Does anyone have any experience of these? I've seen some great reviews, but also some terrible reviews of all things Bose. I would be grateful for any feedback from anyone who has...
Does anyone else find it obscene,that the G8 Conference in Gleneagles,Scotland is costing (it seeems) ?18 Million!! For a meeting that is supposed to discuss(amongst other things) World Poverty,I...
Hi would anyone know whether upon marriage if the woman has existing debts, would her new husband automatically inherit these debts and possibly become equally...
I bought a flat 6 months ago and put down a 20 k deposit, my partner put in 1k, we r both on the morgage papers as i coulnt get the morgage without both incomes. We have spilt up now and she says...
Right, i took out a finance agreement with a company. As far as i was aware, it had all been accepted for the grand total of ?1740.40. Now, for the last 2 months no money has been taken...
Our estate comprises a piece of building land with outline pp for 6 dwellings - approx value ?700,000. What do you mean by net value rather than gross in this case? Thanks Joe1
my 6 sublings and I have just inherited approx ?700,000. Will we have to pay inhertance tax on 40% over the tax free amount ie. about ?450,000 or will we be assessed for tax on ?100,000 each ( ie....
I loaned an amount of money to a friend on the understanding it would be paid back within six months. It hasnt been and i am looking at how i can recover the money. Small Claims Court are saying i...
Back again. Just had notification that my aunt is going to challenge a property transfer completed in 1998 and stated it was carried out with undue influence & unconscionability. You may recall...
I have Adobe acrobat reader 6,but I would like to be able to edit some text.Is it possible to copy a PDF document and then save it as an Excel or Word Document?
Recently noticed ?2000 that had been paid out of my account for a purchase reappeared.Company to which money is owed have received payment. Is there a period of time by which if this is not noticed...
I moved into my present property on 28th Jan 05, with a shorthold assured tenancy agreement. I was served two months notice by my landlady on April 20th 05 as she is selling the property. I...
What is the general idea of these? My friend undertook what I believe is an Independant Voluntary Arrangement, not quite as tricky as a bankrupcy. It still means he has terrible...
Thankyou loosehead for replying. A remortgage where I can buy my husbands share is definately the answer at the moment as we have equity in two properties at long last after crawling through the...
If you owe a debt recovery company money and haven't paid it for over six years...shouldn't it be written off? Someone told me that a debt was written off after just five years.
Hi, I have a friend who has been recently contacted to repay an supposedly outstanding debt from around twenty years ago. She paid the debt at the time in cash (around ?600) and obviously...