Does anyone have experience of using one of the DIY kits which are available? The "Tubby" seems to be used by professionals if their website links can be believed. I'd like to know how tricky it is to...
I have a 'J' reg Fiesta, which i bough recently and has got wide tyres fitted to it. Great to look at but the steering is very heavy when manouvering the car especially going round corners etc at a...
We're having a discussion between 4 of us at work - 2 of us have the "new" 2-part licence and the other 2 have the "old" 1-piece paper one. Is the 2-part one now mandatory? T.I.A.
Is there any one out there that knows the law regarding double yellow lines? ie width of paint, space between lines, wether they are capped at each end etc,. Thanks in advance
Diesel escort ,oil pressure light on very dimly,has had oil change and filter,ok at steady revs 40mph in top gear ,sound ok ,whem warm light pulses at idle speed.Any quick answers
My daughter spilled limeade on our carpet. I've tried using Vanish carpet and upholstery stain remover, but it hasn't had any effect at all. What could I use to shift this horrid green stain?
Who else agrees that the time has come to get obese drivers off the road. Just you watch these horrible lumps of lard getting into a car if you get chance. Squeezing in behind a steering wheel that is...
Hi All I need to undo some nuts that have become seized, and also appear to be a little bit rounded. I have been soaking them in a penetrating fluid, but Just wondered if anyone has any tips for...
Hi Postrs; I wanted to get someone to install some metal railings at the boundary line of the driveway between my drive and the car trader's drive (neighbour). We share a semi-detached house with the...
Our neighbours smoke and the smell from it comes through into our bathroom (through the floor I must add, not through a window). Try as I might with air fresheners etc etc, I cannot cover or rid the...