Regardless of the sensationalist... Are the gay rights movement taking thing too far, this gay conservative seems to think so? /// Sullivan, a gay conservative,...
I wrote a few months ago case was I was divorced but lived in ex in laws house they have know settled with me out of court for a sum. Can I know Initiate ancillary relief proceedings against my ex...
Niel Hamilton, former Tory MP .Who is now UKIPs Campaign Manager,is to visit Gibraltar next week to help launch the partys EU Election Campaign. There is no stopping these free loaders, even with a...
Can anyone explain please why the "speciality beers in a bottle" would make a person more aggressive than if they drink spirits or wine? Could it be the malt in the beer or some other ingredient? The...
So my husband is an electrician and his ex employer wanted to do an enhanced CRB check as he would have been working in a college during the summer holidays. This was in April 2012....
A female friends partner died owing aprox 7k to a debt management company. They were not married but living together when he died so obviously she does not have to pay it. But what happens if the... Is this something to be proud of when some of his own people...
Can't sign into my Hotmail as it is obstructed by Microsoft Account message, asking me to give them an email address for them to transfer a "security code." Is this a scam and if so, how do I get rid...
Four of us are equal beneficiaries of a will, two are also executors of that will. We now have a disagreement over sale of property, ( we are all beneficiaries in this sale), three agree together, and...
So it seems Noahs ark has received the physics seal of approval. Timely story, given the release of the film. Not sure though that whether or not the ark might have floated was the first concern when... Some stunning photos of the great Miss Day, one of my favourite films which she appeared in...
have replaced my watch battery but getting back back on is proving difficult. I have done this before with other watches without a problem. Do I need a special clamp? ta...
Basically, my son was 16 years old when he owned a business. He ran up a debt of £600 in business rates. Now, when the council tried to enforce this upon him, this was done illegally. First, they did...
Just wandering around the Daily Mail website because of a thread posted a few minutes ago, and I came across this story. Not sure if this is a commonly held belief amongst the general public, or...