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Does anyone know how to put this on an iPOD or find a way to do this? Thanks.
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I've just done a search for 'Vanilla Sky' in the Film & TV category and it would appear that the search facility looks for any occurence of the word Vanilla or the word Sky.How do I search for the...
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I live in Bury Park, Luton. This is an answer to a question lower down this page under the Question Title above: "Lodekka, you're quite right! Luton is the S**t hole of the Universe, especially the...
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How do I get my photos from my camera phone (Samsung D410) onto my PC?. I've bought a new phone and don't wanna lose all my pics.(I have tried a data link cable, but no luck) any suggestions, please?
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I am going to be shot for this. In athetics it's the torso that crosses the line that wins. But women boobs are different sizes so is it fair that a woman with big boob wins?
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Iwant to know where the phone code 0208 924 area is
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People keep complaining about how there is no removal of irrelevant posts at weekends why doesn't AB ed get a regular poster to moderate all the forums at the weekends?
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she used to be an ok runner but in a short space of time she has become unbeatable, any thoughts on why?
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praveen s h
which is the biggest city in the world
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I was just wonderin or is there any other type?
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How does a Micro chip acually work, i.e How can a tiny little thing contain so much info using just 1's and 0's. has anyone heard the theory the technology came from Aliens
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I already had a question posted called Changing Look, those who replied to that you totally misunderstood what i ment. The expensive abercrombie and fitch, and Hollister clothing that i have been...
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Rich people rarely have it, poor people always have it and if you ate it you would die?
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I have freckles all over my nose and I dont like them is there anyway I can get rid of them without piling on foundation all the time and making it look thick thanks
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i would just like to offer my sympathy to the residents of boscastle .and im very relieved that there were no major casualties.thank god for the helicopters and there amazing crew and all the other...
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Bury Park in Luton - so, what's the deal with this place then? It's been mentioned in other threads, but not expanded upon. What is so remarkable that we should notice?
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Fred Hancock
What are the patches uner the eyes of the West Indian Chricketer Chanderpaul for?
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Religion is false. It is simply belief in something created by man for man to lean on, beacuse they are weak minded sheep who are too arfaid of the real world, any christians out there ask yourselves,...
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I recently installed a copy of Suse linux professional 9 on my system alongside windows xp (home) and with it came a very helpful program called Grub which let me choose what opperating system I...
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theres a man giving out leaflets in my town , i gave him a gobful about indians and blacks dying for him during the war. so he has the right to give out leaflets of his choice ,what can i tell him...

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