So, after all the accusations of cheating, and all the snide bitter, (and in a lot of cases bigoted), comments from all corners, both the courts of the land and the SFL commission have decided we are...
The atheist of today, thinks that in this modern nuclear, space age it has become old-fashioned to believe in an invisible god. Yet today every worshiper who claims to have a atheist god is challenged...
Bought some in M&S yesterday which was reduced in price because it was near the sell-by date. It had a salty taste and a texture similar to Edam. It that the way it should be?...
Come on then - films that have cheese/cheeses in the title. I'll start with: The Gouda, The bad and The ugly. Lord of the Cheese rings. If you're really stuck then I will allow song titles. Off you go...
In this interview he says he has given up trying to convince others about going to war in Iraq. Is he right and nearly everyone else wrong? Full...
i am asking out of curiosity why people get involve in football hooligans as most of them are your typical teenage scally wags, most of em are old men in there 40s 50s and even 60s (well most of the...
Five of us going so have booked flights and now looking for hotels. Don't know the city but want to be fairly central so not messing around with transport but also not too noisy - we all need our...
Cannot believe this. I went to Goa and a fistful of sand must have contained thousands
Imageine the whole beach content? Is there any scientific method used to calculate the theory?...
Will there be an upsurge in demand for foie gras and caviar in the same way that Delia Smiths television programmes pushed up the sale of some foods?...
I have seen people on TV eating these super hot curries as a challenge using the worlds hottest chillies but can it do you any harm? I can't see that it can unless it gets in your eyes of course,...
Neutron particals of lilac light person, Scandalous energy, Enchanted city, engraved and critical kaleidoscope salvation for a revolution of rhymes and medleys of discrimination. Gravity, proof...
I'm a very good writer, I write poetry and have done for as long as I can remember. I can write about anything but my favorite type of writing is erotic or funny poetry, I also enjoy putting poetry to...
Scottish Power have sent £900m of my money to their head office in Bilbao this year. They, and the other members of the cartel have doubled energy prices in 5 recession filled, belt- tightening... If posters such as these are allowed *** “Some people are gay. Get over...