Stolen, as usual, from The Daily Mash................ Following a match demonstrating that man is a flawed, pointless creature crawling across the face of an indifferent planet, UK universities have...
We have 10% of so called immigrants but what is an immigrant ? And what is the true value of these percentages that are published ? I have many neighbours who we would consider immigrants but who were...
I got a Liverpool Rubik's Cube for Christmas and what I've noticed is that it is much more difficult to complete than the standard coloured cube. The reason for this is that each side has a different...
I played golf for the first time ever this morning. As I was about to take my first shot I noticed that there were several people in the clubhouse watching me. "Stay calm," I thought,...
I have a lap top with windows 7, It keeps freezing and says high memory usage of internet explorer. can anyone recomend a free download that will sort this problem? I have tried defragging, makes no...