so grace and nikki are up for you think grace will go or will the public keep her in? will they feel sorry for her? what are your views? thank you all xxxxx
Should i go ahead and book a holiday with my girlfriends even though my boyfriend doesnt want me to go. I really want to go, also shes paying as its my birthday prezzie. Would anyone else go if they...
When I was at junior school in the sixties - remember watching a film (no speaking, just music) about a little girl with a balloon that flies off out of her hand and you follow the balloon all over a...
Hi there. I am an 18 year old girl and have realised that during my holidays this summer i will have my period. (grr!) ive decided that the best option would be to go on the combined pill, but how do...
I just wondered how the Southern people perceive the Northerners and vice a versa? I come from a town near Burnley and every time people see or hear about burnley Im worried they percieve us wrong....
How many of you without lying or making it up or pretending u care or being twee or jumping on a bandwagon or taking the moral highground or getting all yuppiefied or trying to act the bleeding heart...
Help!! I suffer with very severe Polymorphic Light Eruption and am in agony today.My arms are a mass of huge blisters and the usual calamine,aloe vera isnt soothing the pain.Does anyone else suffer...
I have recently asked for your ideas for the theme, now thats decided - film/music, I need a costume. I am female and would like to have a costume that is obvious to who I am if possible. I am...