husband says to wife come and have a look at this clock upstairs, as she got up there he pulled his trousers down, that's not a clock she said, it will be wen you put your hands and face on it replied...
Whu does tomorrow follow today ? Why doesnt tomorrow precede today? Then today you could change what you did the day after tomorrow. As that would indeed be today .tomorrow .
... to Chatterbank anymore or can AB-ED shut it down as another welcomed but failed attempt to give people a place to chat, and concentrate on bringing the Q&A theme of the site back to a decent...
I have bought a micro sd card and carrier for my sons mp3 player and when inserted into my laptop card reader it will not recognise it saying there is an I/O error. I know what that means but have no...
just heard her latest single on oasis fm. shes apparently a very young singer from the blackpool area and hhas won plaudits from tthe local papaer the gazette. her new singhle is very good and you...
Its just not funny anymore -if its not you thats posting then its someone posting about you -no wonder people give up the ghost !!! The site (yawn -I know) is for everyone but i'm effed if I am gonna...
Are users really that interested or fixated even on the intimate workings of certain users relationships with men ? Do users believe all they read here ? If they do does that make them smart or less...
My son will be 6 months old when we go to Lanzarote next month so still needs milk making up and his bottles sterilising. I have read that the water is not suitable for drinking but you also have to...
If you say something that is the total opposite to what youve just said. Does that mean youre contradicting yourself? Or are you merely questioning your beliefs? Such as questioning your faith? Many...