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Dr P

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David H
Is this an old wives tale, or is it true it's not easy to transfer germs from one dry surface to another? Contrary views tell you dry toilet doorknobs and handles do pass germs to hands, so which is...
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How do all fireworks actaully work, to give different effects?
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Dr P
I'm trying to find out if anyone knows how you can "make your own disco" from your PC. I have loads of music on my PC and want to play some of it at a family do. I have created a...
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Dave G
How is it possible to have "black" music and "women" only insurance policies and isn't this illegal as it is elitist
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I have been taking ciprelex for two weeks.I was experiencing diarreah before my doctor and i relized I suffer from clinincal depression.Can ciprelex cause diarreah and vomiting I need to no thiis.I...
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does anyone know if any credit card companys are offering interest free balance transfers and no 2% admin charge
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Having missed my graduation last year, is it possible to hire/buy gowns/robes from somewhere so that I can have my picture taken in this? I hope someone can help. I contacted my uni but they said they...
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Any comments on using Utovlan to postpone periods?
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Dr P
Can anyone help me decipher these Portuguese timetable phrases? De Segunda a Sexta Excepto Feriados; Ao Domingo ou Segunda se Feriado; and the all-time classic ?s Sextas e Domingos (Ou Quintas ou...
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Is it possible to do a trip to the great pyramids & Cairo from Luxor in Egypt.  If so, is it cheap and how long will it take?
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Can I wear contact lenses on a roller-coaster?
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If i was to split up with Mr b13thy and move out of the house we share, what would be the deal with things like house insurance - it doesn't run out until April 06. Am i allowed to cancel it, would...

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