Well suddenly its working ! So the next question is, while I was trying to set up my new shiny laptop yesterday, I had a window from Norton offering me a 60 day free trial of their anti virus thingy....
I was told I had a "Trojan" in my syster a few months ago,so paid to install Norton Security....Tis a very good system(I think) as if I ever get somewhere dodgy an alarm message comes up and...
I don't like the American spell checker, even though I've changed as many settings as I can find it still insists I'm American. Do I need to download an English dictionary for it? Does such a thing...
I want to buy a scalextric set for a man who used to love it when he had it as a child. However I know nothing about it. I want to get a really good set but don't know where to start. Can anyone give...
As a new claimant for this type of benefit I'm not sure what to expect, this will be my first encounter with the Job Centre in many years. I know it as an open plan office with people wandering in off...
Hi, Can someone solve this mystery ? When I call up the answerbank ,the site opens as usual, I then get a box from IE ( in the middle of the screen, in front of the site) telling me it can't find the...
http://www.dailymail....nubs-charity-hit.html /// The BBC defended its move but it denied boycotting the song. A spokesman said: ‘We cannot be seen to officially endorse or ask for donations to...
My father was part of this scheme, but luckily for him, he was given a choice; go to Canada or Australia, or join the Merchant Navy. This was the day after his 14th birthday in 1935 when he was in...
http://www.dailymail....d-carry-50-notes.html £10 notes have been around for many years, so how is it that they have suddenly become scarce? I think it is fivers that are in short supply judging...
Hi, whenever I turn on my computer the following message appears:- Error loading c:\program files\common file\paretlogic\uus2\vus.dll The specified module could not be found What is this please, and...
Recently I asked V.M to downsize my Broadband and received a letter confirming the move from size L to S. When I realised this had crippled my internet I read the letter again and was surprised to...