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Am making my first ever trip to Anfield on Saturday and have realised I have no idea where I'm going to park the motor! I'm coming up from London so, firstly, what time should I leave (3pm kick off)...
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What's likely to happen now?
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Loosehead ive_la_differe.html If you are already French, would you rather be British?
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I need some help picking a foundation thats gives a flawless look. I have tried many before but none gives me the look i want. I am 24 and i need the foundation to for evening outs. Please Help?
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Hypothetical question after chat with a friend: What would you do if you knew your best friends partner was having an affair,and yet your friend not only didn't know,but was also blissfully happy in...
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Dom Tuk
Now that Straw has got into the front pages (and lost all his ethnic votes from his constituency) what do you think he will do if a young white (or any other colour) woman comes to his surgery wearing...
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One for the ladies on here! Who do you think is the best looking football manager at the moment? My vote goes to Chris Coleman of Fulham.....beautiful dark eyes!
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My cousin told me that Usher is a hermaphrodite. Does anyone know if this is true. Probably a wind up.
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do you think jackstraw was correct in his view muslim women should take off there veils, do you find it intimidating and causes Sepratism. i think it could be a security risk not to mention a hazard...
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I'm English, but I love Scotland and the Scots people are some of the nicest people I've ever met ! but why do they hate the English SO much ?
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is there really no other way, i know this topic will no doubt be abit hot headed, but it seems so barbaric
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My printer prints ok mostly but sometimes a couple of lines come out grey and illegible, I've changed the cartridge but it's still happening. Any ideas ? is there something I need to clean ?
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did anyone get it? i didnt, i was just blown away by nigel harman, he is the most beautiful man on tv ever ever? crap actor but who cares?? what eye candy
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Who liked it and believes it should be retained today, I certainly did and as a teacher its better
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My quandry is this, with the risk of seeming rather ambiguous, do we believe that stability means singing the same song everyday? Obviously i'm introverted, but to what extent do people sing a...
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My cat is a lovely old girl but for some reason is obsessed sitting on the kitchen unit which is of course unhygeinic. She knows she's not allowed because after I started shouting at her for going up...
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a friend gave me a ornament of the statue of liberty, it has little buildings at the front , of new york, please can some one tell me ... what is the tall building that looks like a pencil, thanks
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On the radio the other day I heard Galloway saying that try as he might he could not recall one positive thing the Tories did during 18 years of power. Two questions. 1. Is this man a moron? 2. What...
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As the intruder was caught at the first line of security i somehow doubt if this counts as a breach of security but more as a success. Early news reports described the man as "a foreigner" so maybe we...
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As usual I fell asleep post 2200 and missed the last 20 minutes of Rebus. I woke up at the point where he was torching his car Could anyone tell me what happened please?

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