What haircut should I get? Here is the link to a list: https://haircutinspiration.com/slicked-back-hair-made-simple/ I look kind of like #39 on the list so look at that for...
Does anyone have any experience of these? I had a genes test which shows that I don't absorb B12 even though my blood test shows that it's okay. I have had constant neuropathy in my feet (soles) since...
i put membrane down on my garden last year, not enough it seems, cheap B&Q crap !! laid approx 1-2 " of decorative stones over top. ive tried to control these weeds coming through but they are...
Hi, can anyone explain please why when I delete all cookies and web browsing, I go back into sites and my details are still there as in having cancelled a registration for something that I changed my...
Does anyone here on AB actually feel fulfilled in life? Don't mind admitting that I don't. Im 52 and not once have I felt fulfilled. Not saying that I don't appreciate or enjoy life at times because I...
When was the last time you saw a real life police officer on a street near you? Or even the person who was not a real police officer but had a police type uniform? What are they called? Have you ever...
Hi all, I'm 60 years old, 6ft 1, about 20 stone. The only exercise I do is walking, I usually walk at least 30 minutes a day. Over the last fortnight, I am continually running short of breath. I can...
Too often when discussing origins, atheists simply say, "we don't know," and put FAITH in science that one day the answers will come. But atheism is synonymous with evolution, for which there is not a...
We were going to Swindon to support Waterboatman doing his parachute jump We left about 07:00, at 08:00 ish we were about 50 miles in approaching the M25, Sevenoaks area, the traffic in front of us...
Something needs to be done about this.
https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-6161817/Rastafarian-boy-12-wins-discrimination-case-dreadlocks-ban.html Once more it seems that we have been forced to back down from our rules in English...