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I Just got my first Christmas card through the door this morning is this a record!
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I’m going on a Caribbean & Bahamas cruise at the end of the year . I was wondering how easy it is to buy bottles of wine ashore so that I can take them back on board ship . Are the...
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Can you name the films in this link .thanks http://www.filmoria.c...rd-winner-resized.jpg...
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Just like the smoking ban I think that chewing gum should be banned from all public places like trains pubs etc. Just having got off a train and finding gum stuck to my trouser s I felt under the...
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do you?
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I was looking through street view of where I had been on my holidays and came across me and Mrs Dp sat on a bench outside a church in Florence. I remember the Google car going past but thought nothing...
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Is this bloke out of it or what !
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Apart from youtube what other public video posting sites are there on the net. Thanks
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stopped raining .
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Do you know of anyone who wishes to re-home a tortoise ??? I have recently lost mine- who died after 35 years ownership. I am therefore a keen & experienced tortoise owner minus the pet!! Can you...
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Is there any veg that will grow well in a very shady part of my garden? It only gets about 3 hrs of sun a day. TIAV
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Do you spend chatting on AB
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I’m going to give up drinking wine and beer- eating- sweets -swearing – sleeping too long – spending all my time in pound land – and being nasty to other people . Oh and I must...
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Will you be having some tonight. Pancakes that is! :-)...
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Sick of it now . now how about you! * * ..(..) * * .(....) * * (......) * ~~~~~oo...
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Hero 'big man' passenger cheered for throwing a foul-mouthed student off the train 'should be charged with assault', say teenager's family
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At what age should I get my kitten things cut off . And do you know how much it would cost.
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Mines pineapple and cheese.
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I can't believe that its 20yrs to day since freddy mercury died.
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I just went back to a thred I was involved in the other day . See link. Is it my pc or is it snowing all over the page. http://www.theanswerb.../Question1077322.html...

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