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This is an odd one.  My electric kettle is the type that has a separate base that plugs in - a cordless kettle. I have been smelling a nasty rotting fish smell in the kitchen for a few days and... ...
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What was your favourite thing from the Tuck Shop? It was usually something savoury for me, like pickled onion Space Raiders or Spicy Nik Naks. When I went to secondary school we went to the... ...
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 The idea of the game is that the setter poses an original home made clue which everybody is invited to solve. The poster who solves the clue first (hopefully identified by the setter) is then... ...
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would you still use it?
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Ok, so my friend and I did this lastnight and we laughed at some of the very silly answers, but that's just the inner child in us! Soooo, you take a well known song or film title, and change just... ...
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There's not enough ad money Donations aren't working  Hardly anyone wants to subscribe  how about it then? shall we just call it quits and move on?
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If you find out one of your colleagues is screwing your wife then where better to go than Screwfix.😂 ...
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Hi all as the 'answer box' has disapeared from the last one I'll start afresh as that was due to disapear from latest posts anyway today or tomorrow. Many know how to play, they isn't rules as such... ...
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ToraToraTora   ...
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This isn't really an advert, more of a " did you know that such a thing existed" post. 🚉 ...
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Q: In his early designs Alexander McQueen often included a lock of his own what? A: Front door! 🤣
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Watched people that I haven't seen for 30 years getting pizzed at the free bar wake and then went home. How's your day been 😏
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Paddy staggered home very late and very drunk. He took off his shoes to avoid waking the wife. He tiptoed as quietly as he could toward the stairs leading to their bedroom, but misjudged the... ...
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ToraToraTora   ...
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Q: The Amanda is a style of what denim trouser by Gloria Vanderbilt? A: Skin tight! 🤣
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Is it normal for an instructor to kick a pupil of diary after missing one lesson. I got days mixed up and was when he was outside my house 
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As the last one has gone into the ether Answerbank vault. Here's the new one Many know how to play, they isn't rules as such just post a song lyric that follows on from the previous one.
you can... ...
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I'm particularly interested in single oldies...but anyone can answer. Pet food can be included...but not other household bits. I've always been a shop-as-needed type...probably spending more than I... ...
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I've had this one running through my head all morning.  Just beautiful.   What are your timeless songs? ...
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Q: What element is named after the nearest planet to the sun? A: Plutonium! 🤣

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