I would be interested for your opinion.... I am definitely worried that this country will slowly be overtaken by the Muslim religion, helped along by this government never wishing to stand up for it's...
are there any historical works (outside of religious texts) that can prove the existance of jesus christ? please dont quote the obvious forgeries that are found in josephus or other religious texts
http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/14083809/site/news week/ The above link is to an interview with the author of the hugely successful book series "Left Behind". Basically, he believes that Jesus will return...
Do you blame Beckett for the outburst ot Blairs policies in the middleeast that led to Becketts outburst. Why cant a minister come out and say what they really think?. Why are they so gutless. Clare...
Can anyone tell me why the Israeli conflict gets 24 / 7 coverage from the media, and yet our own involvements in Iraq and Afgahanstan gets very little if any coverage? Is it because if we acutely knew...
does anyone know of any good calf excersises. this probably sounds really vain but i've been getting into excersising recently and am noticing a change in my body but my calfs( from my ankles up) are...
It had to come to this, how long before we are second class citiizens in our own country? http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/main.jhtml?xml =/news/2006/07/13/nwhite13.xml&sSheet=/new...
Most people today would accept Caesar's account of his invasion of Britain - why not indeed ? Yet many or most people today will utterly reject the accounts of the resurrection of Christ. Why is this...
O.K seriously now.I was thinking even Hitler the most evil man ever was kind to those he liked so in order to be a kind person do you have to be kind to the people you hate?I believe you cannot call...
Without wanting to start a deep discussion on the whole Isreal/Palistinian problem. When are the Palistinian miltants going to learn that getting a tiger by the tail is bloody dangerous?...
senior jusdge quashes control orders on possible terrorists? so now the law is mad, what are we supposed to with these people, what signals does it send out. anything goes in britain.make sure u pay...
I would like to know peoples reaction to the jailing today of another pensioner regarding her non payment of council tax .personally i find it outrageous.
http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/americas/5096 894.stm Not strictly the newest of stories, but it has been about in the last couple of weeks. A law has been proposed to outlaw abortion, even in rape...
i want to buy shares at home,i dont want to be a big money gambler, i want to "play" at it!! i want to learn how to do it myself but i could do with someone giving me advice in layman terms and also...
This is my A-Level Media Studies Critical Research question and I'm having trouble getting info for it. Does anyone have any ideas or points to consider? I'm particularly having trouble with being...
It's just been announced that the BBC are to pay Jonathon Ross the staggering sum of ?18 million to stay with them. I find this grossly insulting due to the fact that because my husband is in N...
I always feel tired and have no motivation. I get enough sleep, exercise and have a healthy diet. I find it hard to get out of bed as I feel that tired when I wake up and its getting to the point...