I went on work experience today, and I had been so sure that I wanted to be a lawyer. My experience certainly has been an experience at a lawyers and i hate it. I feel like i have nowhere to go now, i...
I broke my left wrist last year, I started going to the gym and have seen pretty good results, but I seem to be having real problems building up my forearms. Any ideas?
If there is no point to life, i.e. we just die & thats it, is there actually such thing as right & wrong? is morality just relative to that which benefits humans -i.e. behaviour which is...
On Sky news yesterday morning, it was reported (in fact, I think it was a newspaper review) that Labour were considering imposing a 40% capital gains tax on the sale of your main house. If this...
I am definitely straight and have a loving boyfriend, but in my life time I would like to know what it is like to 'do things' with another female. Does anyone else feel this way?
I was pretty stunned by this attack, and I thought ****, that's it, it'll be attacks-ahoy from now on. I wouldn't have believed anyone if they told me that it would have panned out like this in terms...
last summer I went for a job with a field marketing company. At the interview the office manager told me he lived in the same town as my parents, and proceeded to ask me what they did for a living. I...
Following on from Hectic's question below, we all know the reasons why we shouldn't smoke, so; Q1) Why do people start nowadays? Q2) Is there anyone on the site who smokes and would...
HELLO My name is ben I eat food...I have a Kat and dawg I use heroin as my daddy hits me if i dont what should i dooo? (ps Jason Ingles AusT Kellyviel fasfwegerherher