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el duerino

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looking for toilet phrases
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It drives me insane, why are the BBC refering the large wave caused by last night's earthquake in Japan as a tidal wave? It's not tidal - it was caused by an earthquake! Is this more evidence of...
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RHCP rule
does anyone know what the demands are? also what is the cause for it?
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Am I racist if do not feel any physical attraction to black (Sorry if I offend anyone, I cant think of the pc term eg African American), asain or hindu/muslim (Again Sorry if I offend I dont know the...
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is soul relly exist ?
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Saw it a few hours ago....thought it would have been grittier....wasn't really suprised by what was said, shown and insinuated....perhaps Im looking thru jaded eyes... what did others think?
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why did the romand invaded england
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Liam Goody
I've been doing Religious Education at school and we've been doing about the religions of the world. There are lots of different religions with different theories of how the world began and they all...
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The Ponderer
we are told by scientitsta the universe was created by a big bang and the universe is constantly expanding as a result of this, but what thing banged in the first place, surely by the laws of nature...
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Why is it as Humans we are so inept at dealing with death when it is the one & only thing you are guaranteed when you are born? Do animals mourn for years over a lost one like humans do?
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The Ponderer
am i the only person that thinks religion no matter how good its intentions is by its very essence divisive. When you think of just about every major world war/ conflict at the heart of it has been...
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A recent article in the Daily Record newspaper featured a couple who were told to abort their foetus at 24 weeks as it had stopped growing at 22 weeks in the womb and the mother had developed...
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The Ponderer
If Adam and Eve were the first man and woman and they had two sons Cain and Abel how did the species evolve, unless Cain and Abel got jiggy with there mom(yyyyuuuuukkkkk).
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so who's going to get that job? Who's the favourite? And Newcastle fans.....who do you want to see? Sad to see Bobby go?? Alan Shearer to be lined up as next manager after whoever takes over now??
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what exersises can i do to build on my abs and chest
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Bob A Job
As a country or group of people devlope, they always seem to grow into capitalism. I always saw capitalism as a problem as it makes the rich richer and the poor, poorer. But recently I have noticed...
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Come on all you unbelievers, have a go! Let's see just how much you actually know about the Bible. (1) What kind of fruit were Adam and Eve tempted to eat? (a) an apple (b) something else. (2) What...
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why is it you always pick on the people who are truth you know they are in the right like jesus but still the people had to pick on him it happens to all the prophets i belive islam is right and thats...
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wot happens when you die? what happens to all your thoughts do they just stop? and your memories as well?
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Religion is false. It is simply belief in something created by man for man to lean on, beacuse they are weak minded sheep who are too arfaid of the real world, any christians out there ask yourselves,...

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