Is there any reason NOT to trim the hair hanging over the eyes of dogs such as tibetan terriers, old english sheepdogs etc. Surely their sight must be limited by that fringe over the eyes?
My dads an avid fisherman who takes fishing holidays every year in the caravan. This one year we was half way to Boston when he suddenly remembered he left his maggots in the garage, not wanting to...
I missed the opening credits of today's The Rockford Files. What is the name of actor and actress who played the father and daughter. Hehas been in countless of things,and I am sure the little girl...
I am trying desperatly to find this hair colour. I have used it for the last 4 years. L'Oreal tell me it has now been discontinued but there must be someone out there who still has " Old " stocks of...
I know this may seem a bit strange but my seven year old can not blow his nose, he just sniffs up all the time. I have tried to instruct him, but to no avail ( the nights pass quickly in my house ha...
i currently drink a bottle of gin every night... i usually start about 5 and finish about midnight... i doubt if anyone could spot the difference before 9... i put this down as a psychological...
I am an (i would say) an attractive woman. 44. My kids see thier dad (my ex husband) every other weekend, which leaves me here on my own. All my friends are married so dont want to go out. I spend my...
my son has had very little to do with his dad since he was 6 months partner was an abusive heavy drinker and visits with my son were spent in the pub or in some hotel waiting for his dad to...
Does anyone out there remember a fantastic programme from the early 80's called Annika. It starred Jesse Birdsall and was about a girl who came over from Sweden, who Jesses character fell in love...
I brought a packet of fruit pastilles yesterday for the first time in a while... What have Rowntrees done to them?...They have a strange taste now and are not as nice as they used to be!
I rashly promised to do the flowers for church on Sunday. Unfortunately the daffs are really late this year and most of them are just in bud. When should I pick them so that they come into flower for...
Ooops. swore I read somewhere that the FRIZZY perm was coming back in so duly had one.... can't say I have noticed anyone with my hairstyle (oh other than 2 front props on the welsh rugby team in the...
ive been with a girl a year now,she says its over,but two days ago she mailed me saying she wanted to come round and have sex,then she says its only me she ever loved and that its hurting her big...
Please does anyone remember these? They were mini liqourice allsorts in a green bag like jelly tots etc. No one seems to have heard of them, I've even tried that website that sells old fashioned...