the upper part of my back is giving me problems. Very clicky and uncomfortable but not bad enough so that it's affecting me in anyway seriously. do i see my GP ? it feels like it needs to be clicked...
No matter how many hours of sleep i've had the night before, I literally cannot keep my eyes open from around this time everyday at work until i get home and when i do get home, i'm noody blinks. Can...
the babyshambles and friends vid. there is a guy in the video standing by the gas pump, they cut to him a couple of times when Carl & co pull up at the service station, he fills up there car and...
It's the new one, where the yound boy is fantasing about her. Can anyone tell me who the blonde girl is in the v beginning of it, when the boy is having his head shoved down the loo.....i've defo seen...
i have no budget for this so am really in need of some creative ideas. Got a halloween fancy dress party, there's no theme so it doesn't have to be scary. i want to look half decent, therefore I'm not...
lately i've noticed that when artists perfom live on these shows they all sound out of tune. I don't belive it's anything to do with them but there is something funny about the sound. You can hear...
this particular band were shown on late on friday night. I have no idea who they were but they had a song that the whole audience knew ( a bit of an anthem), i think it's on an advert. Male guitar...
not the biggest disaster in the world's on my cheek. It hasn't really come up yet but i can tell it's going to be big and horrible and i'll feel like putting a bag over my head and never...