is it better to be honest (but tactful) if resigning because you believe there are mismanagement issues ? or lie tactfully? I think better to lie tactfully and not burn bridges. Husband thinks its a...
We have a 3 month notice period but wld like to make it 2. Is this viable? Wld it make us look bad (we still need a good ref etc) There is someone who is able to step into our role for 6 months. The...
Any idea of the ratio of meat / nuts / veg / offal for homemade raw dog food? Wld 2/3rd of meat do with the balance 0f veg, nuts, offal br ok? Lots of recipes online but want the BASIC ratio so I can...
So husband n I had (joint) interview to manage private estate. We really love the sound of this job. (PS we've been similar on another estate but this is a step up) Anyway interview went well. We know...
Wish me luck. Having chat with mental health nurse (at gp) re husband. Husb constantly angry, drinking too much (seriously a LOT - badly *** every night. won’t be tactile at all and he has zero...
Hello - as always I struggle with maths (no excuses except that I am rubbish!). Id like to calculate annual leave entitlement but the GOV.UK isn't much help as our entitlement is diff to the...
I'm swotting up for a short notice interview. It is for a role managing a small private estate and part of the interview might (??) cover the possibility to host events eg weddings, ). So I guess a...
So - in preparation for an interview - I'm thinking of ideas in which we could help bring revenue into a small private estate (there area dozen "spare" bedrooms that could be used if needed). I have... There’s 2 clips. Each quite long. A summary: (white) shopper gets into altercation with (black) shopper / shop assistant....
Myself n Husb are going to resign (we work together in a joint / shared role) Wld you put your reasons for leaving in the letter? I was planning not to. We are leaving because we are unhappy in the...
Boris Johnson backs longer school day – 'It's the right thing to do'
I disagree. Kids need chill out time too. As adults we forget that learning can be hard work.
What say you?...
Seeing so many posts about religion gets me wondering: For those agnostics / atheists .... can I ask: are your beliefs because you've been hurt by regions / followers of religion or Is it your...
Anyone given advance notice of intended resignation. So for eg told an employer that you plan to resign before actually resigning? If so how does the letter below sound, (rough draft obv) Dear XXXX It...
Ive always been a minimally materialistic person. Husband is the opposite. Ive always (since about age 8!) dreamt of living in a camper van on of some sort (husb hasn't). I have no regrets marrying my...
Is it appropriate to send a get we’ll catch for mental illnesses Someone we know is in hospital - schizoaffective disorder . Admitted a week ago. We plan to send a card saying we miss him and hope...