I've got a gorgeous fillet of beef to roast. Nice cut which i've marinaded in wine, soy sauce and honey.... now of course i don't want this to be ruined during the roasting process... it's around...
we are friends with another couple and whilst we enjoiy their company we find that they want to monopolise us. they seemt o want to do stuff with us every single weekend, (friday, sat and sun often!)...
my hub tells me he recalls seeing a gadget that can be plugged into the handpiece of a corded standard phone that enabl;es it to then be used as a cordless phone? he says this enables the twirly phone...
just saw a post regarding hangover cures and it got me wondering... in this boozy culture it seems that some people go out on a friday night with the sole intention of getting completely hammered! Do...
hello all helpful ab'ers... we have got a really old chair (It's not an antique but it is sentimental) that has around thirty years of polish build up on the wood. What is the best way to remove this...
has anyone ever been plagued by neighbors bouts of lusty moans n groans during lovemaking? Did you find it annoying ?or a turn on? or neither? It doesn't bother me but my partner wants to tell em to...
i want to lose a little weeight (around 5kgs / 11 pounds) I am around 5ft 10 / 1.75m and am female what should my average dailt intake of calories be to maintain this weight? What should it be to lose...
this diet consists of strict pre-set diet for three days then normal (but not pigging out) eating for 4 days. Then starting 3 day diet again etc, etc. been around since the 80's- anyone done it? With...
Want to make some extra dosh for a holiday. I work daytime, so was thinking of getting a friday night job packing shelves, stocktaking etc at tescos/saisnburys/waitrose etc. Anyone know APPROX what...
It is half past two AM - and I am still wide awake! Blame it on Lemsip Sinus Max which has caffeine! (caffeine always does this to me!) I have a stinking head cold with associated aches. It is NOT flu...
My husband has recently found the address of his father who he last had contat with when he was around 12. That is now THIRTY years ago. Before his parents divorce, and shortly thereafter my husbands...
Hi Just recently I have realised that for the past4 months I have been UNDERpaid at work, (my hours increased slightly and they haven't been adding it to my salary!) Over the same time period a...
Been thinking about getting a dog for a long, long time. I like a KING CHARLES SPANIEL but would like to know the following: I work (but it is very local and I come home for two hours in the middle of...