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okay - I know that this has been covered on AB in the past but I am curious. What do YOU think of re-incarnation? do YOU know of any stories, (relating to you or someone you know) that seem plausible?...
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CAJ1's post made me think...I believe spiders hate conkers, (I swear that we have less indoors since I scattered conkers in every dark corner) but my hub says this is an old wives tale. Furthermore he...
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Loads of you know I applied for, and go, another job recently. You alll gave lods of help with advice re interview technique etc. Now, I need your help again...BIG TIME. Please don't judge but... on...
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4get did you hear anything re last weeks interview yet? Pls tell us all - PS I can't stay logged on (sneakily logged on for a wee bit at work) - but will check your answer tonight when I am home. i...
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As some of you know I went for a job interview and got it. You've all been v helpful with advice. anyway to cut a long story short - handed my resignation in today and my boss, (actually my managers,...
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Two Q's Copying / pasting multiple items: I can get the clipboard sidebar, (via "edit" "office clipboard" but I can't seem to PASTE anything. Copied / cut as per usual but I can't...
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hi can anyone (maybe vagrant?) help me to "archive" some files? I'm practicing for Clait and ITQ . Of course ANYONE who knows help would be appreciated. ta muchly
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I want to create a mail merge but the data I need to merge (ie address names etc) is in an excel sheet. When I start my mail merge I know to "browse" for this info but where to then....
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I'm resigning, (petrified about my new job to be honest but I am going to take the plunge ooooeerrr). - Now there have been alot of things that I don't gree with regarding my current job (organised...
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When resigining what happens with holiday owed? I have 3 and half weeks owed and need to give one month notice. Are my employers obliged to pay me out (less the normal tax) or are they obliged to let...
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i'm busy updating a whole bunch of summary care know the NHS patient data centralised data base which means if you live in say ....Dover and need to be seen by a hosp / dr in say...
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i've got an interview tomorrow. I've had two others failry recently and get stumped when they say st the end of the intervie'd like to ask" ...i mean the last two interviews the interviewers have...
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there are 25 local research councils in England in UK (CLRN) which fall under the auspices of CCRN (comprehensive clinical research network) ...the CCRN falls under the NIHR (which i am THINKING...
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im not.....(im a cl oset conspiracy theorist and so don't trust the security settings.) anyway I am way in the Minority as nearly EVERYONE is on FB now.
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In september the hub and I are going to spend one night in oxford. Idealy we'd like a hotel close to the centre of town so that we can walk to a pub / meal out etc. Any suggestions from folk who may...
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sitting with my laptop making the most of the sun in my garden....any practical tips to ease the glare on my screen from the sun, short of putting up a parasol...which i don't have anyway....thanks...
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i want to import a data file in word 2003. thereafter i want to change data into a anyone...thanks muchly. my brain hurts....doing this clait plus / ITQ course and to speed i up i'm...
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My hub and I always give eachother the "proper" gifts for wedding anniversarys ie: china , paper etc. This years number 13 and its SILK. My man doesnt wear ties, would hate silky boxers...
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As you may know from a previous Q I posted I've enrolled for a Clait Plus / ITQ microsoft office course. I did a whole bunch of homework to email to the tutor today. The WORD document I emailed also...
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I'd like to know how to insert a paragraph break in Word 2003. (I've gone to "insert" then "break" but this offers me page break or column break or text wrapping break - no...

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