Does anyone know where I can get a copy of the computer game 'Indiana Jones....' it was part of the Lucas Arts collection and was a simlilar game to Monkey Island where you chose...
About a month ago I fell over and marked my knee pretty bad I'm now left with ugly marks and with summer nearing I want to wear short skirts, any products I could use to fade the marks or cover ups?!?
Im looking for a Stevie Wonder track (slow tune) chorus bit goes 'Blame it on the................ Anyone know ?! I think another artist covered it later
Last night I managed to blow up the hoover by running over the lead, would this have an effect on the components inside the hoover or would I just need to replace the lead? I've only had the hoover a...
I have rashes on my back which sometimes itch but they only appear round my hips and round my shoulder blades, just where the underwear line is. It can't be the material because I have used the...
It takes absolutely ages to fill up my bath to a decent level because there's not much pressure in my hot taps the water just trickles out, why is this because its such a pain?!?
What exactly is 'prickly heat'? Everytime my friend goes on holiday she suffers really bad to the point of crying. I said the Sun plays a big part yet she insist on sitting out in it...
Remember white choc fish/chips sweets, yeah? now picture the banana milk choc shaped like a banana, where on earth can I find them?!? I've tried the sites suggested in SIAN 744 thread and can't spot...
I need 6 questions for a kids music quiz, questions which only the youngs one would know the answers to rather then the adults?!? (questions on up to date artists) can anyone think of any?!?...
I'm selling my car but it doesn't have proof of a service history, would this cause a problem? Its a P reg clio with 52,000 miles on the clock, I'm only asking for a grand, is this too much do ya...