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I've just looked at my credit report on Equifax but it doesn't seem to be up to date. I can see all my previous borrowings and it shows what it settled and what's outstanding. The only things that...
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It seems like everytime I buy something recently I get a chunk of money taken off the price for no apparant reason. Started with a big mirror from Ikea that was supposed to be £60 (in the sale)...
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Why is it that when you're looking for a rented house the landlords specify no pets but I'd be allowed some scabby kids in there. I've been hunting on sites for a few months and found loads of...
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My Dad picked up a cold which has resulted in a nasty cough for the past couple of weeks- sort of between wheezy and chesty. All he's been taking is these cold and flu hot drinks which have no effect...
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I'm a bit OCD when it comes to the position I have all my windows open on my laptop. It has to be Outlook, then firefox, then my accounting package. Sometimes one of the programmes has a little...
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I want do maybe do some swimming to get some excersize but im pretty nervous because im really not a strong swimmer and could maybe only manage one length of the pool before having to take a break. If...
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This is how bored I am today..... If I throw a lit cigarrette into a bucket of ice would the heat from the cig melt a small bit of the ice first or would the moisture extinguish the cig first?...
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Is it meant to be ironic? Half the 'facts' they come up with aren't even remotely true. Do they do that on purpose?...
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who can't wait until that grim day (valentines) is gone and all us left on the shelf don't have to have it rubbed in our faces any more? (I'm aware it's all a load of commercial crap, etc. But I still...
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A post on another question just made me think of this. Why do you never see dead birds (apart from the remains of those ravaged by hungry cats)? Surely the sight of a of bird that's popped it's cloggs...
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Just seen someone on Facebook having a big old moan because our parish council has not gritted the pavements, although they seem to have done a good job on the roads and it occurred to me that I don't...
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I suddenly have a problem with my front door lock which i will blame on my sister as it was fine before she came to stay. Its just a normal lock in a UPVC door. The type that locks itself on closing...
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We keep getting calls at work asking to speak to a mr golding. Been getting them for years and they stopped for a while but seem to have started up again. The number is always witheld and i dont know...
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I think I've got an ingrown hair under my eyebrow. It's got a little spot which is painful so I'm reluctant to get the tweezers in there and especially fearful of causing my own facial deformaty. What...
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This may reveal my utter stupidity but can someone tell me, when you write numbers, why are numbers one to nine written as words and 10 and above written with numbers?
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I've had a look around some of the other questions previously posted about this but I'm getting a bit lost. Can someone answer some questions for me please. If a man is charged with common assault...
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The inner corner on the bottom lid is quite painful. I think I've probably just scratched it while trying to remove an eye bogie. Is there anything you can put on it or do to it to help?
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I've got to have a crown fitted and am going tomorrow for the first stage which from what I understood meand they shave the tooth down and take a mold. On a scale of one to ten how much pain does it...
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My Dads' go a nearly full set of bone china kitchen ware (cups, saucers, plates, jugs, etc. Probably around 100 pieces) that's about 40 years old. I don't think it's ever been used and is currently...
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Am I missing something here? I assumed it would be as easy as replacing the rear bulbs but I can't even get the bloody thing out? It's a 2003 Golf. They did offer to do it for me but when they wanted...

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