What is your all time favourite thing! Ever Only ONE though!! e.g. chocolate, sex , football! etc etc myn as to be mmmmmmm chocolate or sex chocolate or sex chocolate or sex!!! er..........(puts...
Hi, this is possibly a very silly question to post..........but what the heck.............. We can't decide which name to pick for our daughter (due in a few months). Which is nicer - Mia or Elizabeth...
I'm looking to get some GHD hair straighteners and I cannot decide whether I need the wide plates or not. My hair is very thick but not course or particularly curly/frizzy. It's currently shoulder...
I understand the points are to do with fat/calorie content but I didnt know that you are allocated points according to your weight. How does this work? Is it like 2 stone = 1 point?
its my bf's daughters birthday today! he has a child from a previous relationship and shes 1 years old today. he txtd me last night sayin that his ex and him r taking the baby out for the day. i feel...
Any remember this classic? Of course you can! But... Can any remember, in the main Fun House bit at the end, what different sections there were? I remember there was a cart that you got in and lifted...
does anyone else have my problem which is counting,? (in my head obvuously, not out loud) i count ceiling tiles, flowers/ squares on wallpaper if someone in front of me in a que is wering spots or...