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how does it work
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fat rascal
what was the song that played out of tonights episode? tia
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Loosehead readID=4521&&&edition=1&ttl=20061027104306 In reality this will affect sensible drinkers too so why should we have to pay for the brats who can't handle...
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What makes you proud to be British? What makes you ashamed to be British?
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hi i was just wondering if anyone knew if there was a site where i can play old amiga games??? thanks in advance
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Could it be that males are more likely to commit rape upon a woman if she is not wearing a veil? Perhaps this is the reason some Muslim women insist upon wear a veil in the presence of males? I refer...
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A london borough council to charge more for a parking permit if you drive a gas guzzler? Charge more because they have high emissions? Do they not know parked cars don't emit anything!! Or is it just...
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Think about it. Recycling bin chips, the yobs, charging fees, the NHS crisis, etc. What do you think of Labour? Post your views here. In my opinion, I now prefer Conservitives (Sp?)
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Every time I look at my new e-mails, there is always a spam one even though I have got McAfee Security Suite. I click on "send to the junk e-mail folder" for each one. Now I have got 96 junk e-mails...
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Software repair Wizard System Restore keeps telling me your computer cannot be restored to ...(date) . NO changes have been made to your computer. I've tried numerous dates. Today I picked up a pop-up...
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The new house I am moving to has a digital aerial, however I do not have a digital TV - will my TV still work with this digital aerial or will I have to buy a digital TV? Sorry if this is a silly...
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Hi is there a way to make the dvd drive on my laptop multi region...know i can make it region 1 or 2 but you can only change it so many there a way to make it multi so can play region 1 and...
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my computer is nor working properly, so i wanted to totally put it back to normal with my restore CD... but the problem is that the cd is undected when i restart my computer... the instrustions given...
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A man has been defecating in trains across south-east England, causing damage costing ?60,000 to repair. British Transport Police said the man had struck on at least 30 trains since August, smearing...
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Whos going mad for them yet? I know I am-ploughing through 3 boxes of them!
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i have been thinking over the past few months about the way this country is going,And i have made up my mind not to end my days in this country.How many of you plan to end your days in this country..?
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admarlow 8&cf=0&lineup=uk&channels=europe_ch4&chspid=16 6005000&chname=Channel+4&title=The+Dispatches+ Debate&normalized=The+Dispatches+Debate&progut...
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Have just been told that the Woman in the latest veil story actually attended the job interview without the Veil. Is this true ? And if it is ;Is this a person looking for publicity ?
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I know that there have been numerous threads in this section recently regarding Muslims, Islam, Terrorism and the Veil etc. This is obviously a reflection of the heavy media coverage of these issues....
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Which is the best, in your opinion, for someone who is non technical? With a camera if possible. Many thanks. I have seen Tesco website, but can't decide which would be best. And my eyes are not what...

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