anyone watching "Bedlam behind Bars" ??
So very sad.
They should have that notice above the door... "Abandon hope, all ye who enter here."
It's all about prisoners with mental illnesses in the USA....
I have a boy and a girl Yorkie.... Girl is a bit of a drama queen/goody two shoes. Boy is .... well I don't know.... he whinges to be covered in a blanket. He will whine and whine till I cover him,...
My sister just rang me saying a fox is 'squatting' under her shed. It is not scared of people at all, in fact it is currently sunbathing on her patio. Obviously, she's not keen on it being there, she...
Noted a reclamation yard/business. Son 2 and I went in for a wander about and a peep. It was amazing, many of the things looked as if they had been cleared from my great Gran's place. (I know they...
Popped to bathroom, for a little tiddle...peeped in the mirror, me ruddy eyebrows have buggered off, not a hair, or a whisker in sight. What the flip has happened?
I often listen to the Archers, in my car, and in bed. Most of the time I tap to the beat, with my feet, or on my steering wheel. Odd times, I catch it Sunday morning, and the theme tune seems...
How much of a place in your life does radio hold?
I love the radio, and from the moment I go to bed, to the moment I wake, I listen to R4.
It is always on my dial in the car too....