I'm supposed to be doing Jury Service starting tomorrow, and I've gone and lost the summons that I was sent. Aparently it's very important that I take it with me on the first day at court. What should...
What order do you rate The Spice Girls in with regards to getting jiggy with them and disregarding their actual persona. Mine would be: 1) Ginger Spice 2) Sporty Spice 3) Posh Spice 4) Scary Spice 5)...
just watched that fat ugly faggot playing a piano at Diana's bash at wembley, what is.that stupid earing for. Probably for his boyfriend to swing on. UGHHHHH.
wtf is that pete druggerty all about? hes tuned to the moon and trippin outta his nut. surely hes as high as a pair of joe the pikeys old underpants isnt he????
Are these often hairy hog lumps a delicious bar snack that can be enjoyed in pack lunches and infront of the TV as well OR A grotesque and hideously salty tooth-breaking lump of swine nastiness?
Well, i made it at last albeit with a slightly different look but i've heard that a Y is the new ie!!!!!!! right, i better ask a question now im here hadnt i? Maybe i could ask one of the 124 or so...
Have all got 11 answers and none of them have been banned. Oh deep joy lets get this one up to 11 answers (and yes I am bored). Roll on you premiourship
A bit lonely, me and my best friend aren't getting on brilliantly right now, and my boyfriend just gone back to london. =[ Not that I'm really complaining, my lifes pretty great right now. I'm just a...
Not sure if this is the right thread, however, I am thinking ahead to Christmas (yes Christmas) when I have all my nieces and nephews over for the day. It is a complete nightmare as they get bored...
I watched this unbelievable documentary on C4 last night where an overweight 13 year old child with an ASBO was given over an hour of TV time to talk about how he has been a full time smoker since the...