Does anyone know of an event that occurred on the above date probably in the 1700s? There is a Scottish Country dance called The Nineteenth of December and was first danced in 1754. We would love to...
My Dad is going to be in the UK in May/June and needs to get from London to Whitehaven preferably without hiring a car. He is English but we have lived in New Zealand for 30 odd years now and so not...
Can anyone tell me or lead me to a website that clearly explains, how your relations are your relations? By this I mean, what makes 1st, 2nd, third, etc cousins? Or what once or twice removed means? I...
I live in New Zealand and am tracing my family tree. At the 1881 census my husband's grandfather and his parents and siblings lived at 11 Brigham Terrace. Does anyone know if this is still there? Has...
Does anyone have any ideas how I can stop one of my dogs scooping out and eating our new kitten's poo from the kitty litter tray in the bathroom? It is driving me crazy as she leaves it lying around...
Hey fellow fibromyalgia people. Just wanted to say hi and how are you going? WE are having the warmest imaginable winter and spring flowers are out already so my health has been much...
Who is the girl in the new coffee ad, the one where she asks him up for coffee and he says no. He then goes and gets a coffee from a B P garage. I'm sure i've seen her somewhere B4
I've had fibromyalgia since I was a kid, over 30 years now. 90% of the time I can cope with it even when its really bad, I manage to do a part time job and look after the house etc, but there...
To beat the band is slang for: a) to excel at something b) to be thwarted c) to cheat d) sing one's own praises Banjaxed is slang for: a) being lucky b)...