Eye watering domestic bills to 'tumble' to where they were wanted in the first place and we're to be grateful that road fuel has come down to a pre-determined level of £1.50ish after £2.00+/litre for...
Sunak has defended Braverman, after she asked Civil servants to help get her Special treatment after she was booked for speeding. She asked them how to avoid points on her licence , and how to avoid...
https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-politics-65590121 ...how many Brits living in the EUSSR get to vote in their elections? This could backfire badly, they seem to forget that 35-40% of Labour voters voted...
Is Religion Dying Out? HAVE you given up on organized religion? People are becoming disillusioned with organized religion for a variety of reasons. WHAT THE BIBLE SAYS: john 15 19 1f you were part...
et al who suppressed any notion of major disruptive process in London today. KC - send them over 10 boxes or barrels of beer for each arrest - that's 520 by my reckoning.
So I don't consider myself English (Scottish Father, mother from abroad). My wife was also raised in a different country. Growing up and experiencing different cultures through travel and family, just...
So I wonder, with a rapidly growing atheist and declining religious population I wonder when we will see an atheist coronation, most likely not in our lifetime unless maybe Edrward is a closet...
anyone know who the man was standing next to a wheel chair in the abbey, never once (on camera) did he take his hands out of his trouser pockets even when Charles walked by .. got to say very well...
Perlease, I keep hearing "record breaking temperatures..." etc yada yada...in kin Spain! For EFF S! Who cares this is UK and it's still pretty kin freezing! Why are the news channels reporting on...
What a lot of nonsense. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-essex-65260945 //He said the pub had received more support than abuse and it was "still open and trading".// I'll 'ave 'alf please....
Could see terrible Local Election loss for Rishi Sunak say polling experts. And lead to a Labour Majority at the next GE. ...Tactical voting is when people dislike and hate the present Govt so much...
The hooray-henry scum of the earth disrupting the Peoples Race.Should the mumsies and popsies of these aerosols demand their little poppets get a life or get a real job?
Most English people celebrate Easter week .is one of the main English religious holidays . what does it mean for you ? Memorial of Jesus’ Death What Can His Sacrifice Mean for You ? Matthew 21:33-41;...
Treat people the way you want to be treated Talk to people the way you want to be talked to Respect is earned, not given Wise words. Wish this were true about AB but.............. dominated by a very...