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The 5C that want us to be ruled from Brussels v those that don't. Surely even they must see that if we tried to rejoin the conditions would be prohibitive even for them, there is no going back. Why...
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Had to laugh when Megan was talking about the seabirds saying I think with all innocence 'I love a Shag'. I wish they'd cut to Chris rather than Iolo.
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Whilst watching police programme last night about counterfeit goods it really was annoying just how many times the bit of programme you have just seen is repeated. I fortunately do have a semblance of...
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Pauline Quirk, Bonnie Tyler, Gail,Platt out of Corrie (whatever her real name is). Why??? Do they just pull their names out of a hat or use a pin?
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He has covid so won’t be able to celebrate the Jubilee- what a coincidence...
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Like why the f*** are we here? Spent a lifetime of 56 yrs questioning everything.... Evangelical Christianity from my teenage years until my mid 20's. (Could have been born into a Muslim country, or a...
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I've watched two of the three parts of this documentary on the life and work of Mother Teresa. I'll watch the third tonight. //Did the nun really deserve her saintly reputation? She inspired a craze...
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Amid fears a children's fantasy novel featuring magic and cups of tea could promote witchcraft, children's author, Andy Sagar, has been banned from reading his book at a London faith school....
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I have just discovered on another thread that I am not a bloke any more, apparently I am a "Cis" Bloke! What a load of old pony! Ok if they must have all this...
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Apply their own logic to their own religion/beliefs ??? Ask a Christian ''Do you believe that Mohammed flew to the moon on a winged horse'' The answer is invariably met with ''Thats ridiculous'' Any...
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Does anyone know where?
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So the UK Con servative Government are taking over the running of the British Virgin Islands due to reports of corruption there. You really couldn't make it up. Lunatics running the asylum....
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And then realised it, after watching for 6 minutes.
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someone was asking this morning who would be relegated from the premiership, everton, burnley or leeds, well we know now that it won't be everton thanks to the old pals act, sickening really but there...
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Hi on Sunday at 7am I went to an outdoor church service for Easter. The service was followed by bacon and egg rolls at a local church hall near the event. I sat down beside a couple I know well from...
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Happy Easter. You can say many things about Easter, but for me one of the most profound is Jesus's victory over the last enemy eg death. We no longer have to fear death as some fearful end. Jesus...
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Not interested in party politics, but want to hear want the non religious think. Is there any ethical argument or morality in secularism or humanism that could justify this proposal? I know what the...
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Diversity, LGB rights, Black lives Matter, Global Warming, Insulate Britain, Veganism - the list continues. Are many such issues really substitutes for the place once filled in people's lives (&...
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If so what did you think? I thought it was excellent and remember it happening. Never knew Harrogate was by the sea though and I used to live close by;-)...

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