After a friend who has many people who loved him killed himself (he suffered with bipolar), I started to get pangs of doubt. Then I went through crisis after crisis, another friend died from a brain...
This would be a hard one to answer I suppose, but how many Jews would there be in the world today if it wasn't for the holocaust? There were about 6 million killed, so I suppose I could work it out...
Who in Britain are the ethnic minority? an aunt of mine got on a bus in London last week and she was the only white person on the bus,so what does this mean?
Does anyone else think that this poor letter has been sadly neglected in our language?If it's not being made silent, as in know and knock, it's being shoved behind a C, as in back and truck, and if...
After taking part in a few threads about religion, I came to wonder why people are so fired up about religion, the people that were contributing answers were either extremely against or extremely for,...
Next summer when the smoking ban comes into force I want to get dressed up as an Islamic extremist who is also an illegal immigrant, in full fox hunting get up (with dead fox), and have a picture...
When guys in the forces do something "wrong" whilst at war why do get to hear about it? Take this Iraqi soldier abuse, I understand that it is no way to behave but I just think that we (the general...
what other names do people adopt? Name like hoover, biro and to some extent breville - all brand names that have become the name of the item regardless of actual brand thanks
I was wondering if it was just me who was infuriated by the claims of a muslim man on the ITV news yesterday. He said: ''If the Muslims insulted Christians there would be an up roar but when it comes...
Saw the latter end of what I think was a kid's tv prog about a year ago. A older lady was buried in the sand on a windy beach (from her waist down) happily talking to someone else buried a bit further...
Is it possbile to debate this subject without the dope heads trying to change the subject to alcohol? Just been reading the BBC talk point and it seems that the discussion always get's changed.
What would be the outcome if someone stole a policeman's helmet these days? Just reading Jeeves and Wooster again, and Bertie keeps mentioning this sort of stuff. They all seem very calm about getting...
What do you make of the news that the Governement seems to be using the good cause money to pay for things that should come out of normal government income? The idea of the good causes are that they...
What happened with the case of the man who murdered that old man in the street with an axe about 9 months ago? Building workers nearby had to restrain him with scaffolding poles, remember? What was it...