cle2233878.ece Jesus, Mary and Joseph! WTF is going on? the lad's kin 13 for christ sake and it's game over! A miserable existance on benefits for him...
This page is so full of spiteful hate towards people on benefits and so quick to try and pull the plug on said benefits! What I want to know is how they could possibly want to let people go without...
Will the bankers who gained their knighthoods from services to banking, and who have now presided over the collapse of the banking system, have their knighthoods stripped from them? 2/Benefits-mother-living-unemployed-boyfriend- pregnant-17--triplets.html She is receiving benefits of ?1,126 a month, which includes rent, child benefit...
Hi, Is it justifiable for my insurance company to demand a fee of almost ?73 simply because I've chosen to cancel my car insurance premium with them? I've made no claims etc and although I respect...
I've heard this said over and over again, but why? Surely people having to go outside to smoke hasnt stopped them going out and meeting friends in pubs. What do smokers do now for social interaction? 2/Chocolate-bars-smaller-Government-anti-obesi ty-drive.html Shouldn't they also make sure that fish & chip shops reduce their portions of chips, (at a...
Hi my husband is facing a charge of GBH with intent, How this happened was where he lived he rented a room out to a guy and his girlfriend and they were keeping the place untidy so my husband spoke to...
My car wing mirror was knocked off my car in my staff car park within worktime hours, i have no idea who it was but am tring to claim some if not all of the money off the council. There is no sign in...
Carol Thatcher made a comment yesterday off camera though while still at work. If a person took offence at that, then fair enough, there is a grievance procedure to follow. However someone (and I...
Here's an idea for those people who are so bloody scared, feeble, pathetic and don't have the confidence do drive in these conditions. DON'T. I usually walk to work, but this morning I am off to the...
This question attracted very much interest when posted earlier. It has now been reported that a millionaire is to fund legal services on behalf of the Grandparent. Peter Hitchins sums the whole matter...