Hello all, I have gathered some windfall conkers and they have the most wonderful sheen on them as they are 'fresh' from the tree They look lovely sitting in a bowl in my sitting room ! How can I keep...
I know someone who is going away for a night over this coming weekend and is leaving her children with a boy of 15, ( her children are 13 and 10) . The 'sitter is a friend of the childrens' . Is this...
Are the goods sold in QS quality seconds as I am led to believe its ' name implies ? Are the clothes 'seconds' for chain store or mail order, ? Or is it just a catchy name and the goods are not...
I have a request from a little friend to look up ancient number systems and I am having trouble with Gujurati !! I need to know how it is written . Symbols, shapes, any information appreciated very...
Evening all, I have two mongrel dogs, similar in age ,and size one a dog the other a bitch. They have both been neutered and appear on the whole happy dogs. They are both eating and drinking as they...
What is the clip of music played in the background of this latest ad. ? I am not sure I even like it ! but it is getting on my nerves as I can not recognise it !!! Help !
Has anyone else been surprised by the change in the price of butter recently? I do not buy it regularly and nearly had a hissy fit when I picked up a packet of good old anchor butter today only to...
Hi all, I was under the impression that Pit Bull Terriers were banned from this country either to breed them or keep as pets. Now, in our town a shopkeeper has one behind a baby gate. If they are not...
Can somebody please help me and my husband out as we can not remember all the continents !!! Ignorant I know, we think there are seven ,if anybody could name them we would be grateful, Thanks .
Hi all, I would like to know what is happening in the bowl of fresh fruit I left out of the fridge last night! It was only soft fruit, mango, cherries, strawberries ,kiwi. grapes banana served in...
Thank you both very much for your advice on my tooth extraction pain. As a result of your answers I have seen my GP and am now on a course of antibiotics and painkillers !! Had you not answered I may...
Any ideas where Odeon shoes are stocked please ? Or links on-line. I have had mine (second-hand) for a while and they are wonderful shoes and I would really like another pair.
Help, !!How long after having a front tooth extracted should the pain and swelling ease? It is most sore and I thought it would settle down by now , any advice?
Do speed cameras ever lie? A friend is facing prosecution for an allegation of speeding through roadworks where a speed camera was in operation. He is adamant he was not exceeding the limit but the...
Have any other ABers used this product in the water bowl for their dogs?. If so have you found it has any effect on the dog? I have only just found this in my local pet store and with the onset of the...