My boyfriend's dog (Golden Retriever) is around 8-9 months old and she is continuously scouring the floor for food. She gets fed enough meals a day but she'll come into his bedroom and eat anything...
Can you get an eye infection from dog hairs? My husband slept on our son's sofa last week and they are not very hygenic and allow the 2 dogs full access to their seating. He already has sensitive eyes...
My cat is an elderly gent these days - about 17 yrs old. Over the past year, his eyesight seems to be deteriorating. The vet said his eyesight was fine after shining light in to dilate his...
when he goes on them mad holy god like rants with those strange little eyes he is like some mad religous cult leader only with nukes behind him whats even more worrying is this is his last term and...
Prince Andrew finds that the UK rail service is a tad unreliable so, in one year, he manages to spend ?325,000 of public money on air travel to get him round the country (?32,000 for flights to St...
Thanks once agin sludge. What you are saying I would of thought so. Obviously I havent gone into details about my situation but it is one which because my ex severed joint tenancy ie as a way of...
On the back of the news story earlier this week regarding a Romanian 66 year old giving birht: Should the NHS offer free fertility treatment to anyone. Just to kick this off - personally...
My poor cat is really suffering with fur balls. Ironically it's not his fur - it's because he cleans the long haired one! He's always been like it (they're two and a half) and it lasts about 1-2...
Driving my daughter to work this morning we spotted a compleatly black pheasant on the side of the road, is this a differant breed or a freak of nature ?
Hi I cannot find a "CONTACT US" route to send my queries to you. I love the new website - but - am experiencing problems. The following message appears each time I visit the site and I am unable to...
I am appalled by the reaction to Prince Harry's gestapo outfit at a PRIVATE fancy dress party. What on earth is going on in this country. Why on earth should he apologise. I am so...
And here I go with the pickiest suggestion so far on the new-look site. I find the font used for the "Topics" over there on the left rather fiddly and piddly. And widdly. Too small, at any...