I have a recipe for home-made tartare sauce which uses, amongst other ingredients, 1 large egg, 6 fl oz (170ml) olive oil, half a teaspoon of mustard powder and half a teaspoon of salt. This is...
Could somebody tell me why when I've paid National Insurance all my working life can somebody from "Europe" be entitled to the same in this joke of a country without paying a penny? Sure Boris did a...
The balance to your favourites and why? To start it off..... (i) the Central Hotel, Kano - didn't know whether to sleep in the bed, under it or on it. Compressor fridge in the centre of the room with...
I have a friend who is being used by this guy, has been for a good while now. He wants her to be his slave. He makes arrangements with her and she gets really excited and then he cancels last minute....
Leading on from the Claridges thread, what are your favourite hotels, say two or three in the UK/Ireland and two from overseas (one Europe one elsewhere?). Do say why.... It may help build a wee...
I'm going to make some mince pies and I want to add some cinnamon to the pastry. I'm gonna use 8oz flour and 4oz margarine for the pastry, so how much cinnamon should I add to the flour to make it...
http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2246104/Unemployed-single-mother-benefits-spends-2-000-Christmas-20-presents-children.html We constantly hear tales of 'Child poverty' where Mothers go without...
I am absolutely disgusted to hear on the 6pm news that white British people are now a minority in London!! Only 1 in 6 in Newham, London are british> I am 36 years old & to be honest, I never thought...
Who knew that DVLA, in their wisdom are closing all local offices by December 2013? WHAT A DISGRACE. They want everything to be either sent through the post or to update changes on the internet. Just...
Would any of you actually wear earmuffs? When I drive to work in the morning my ears are freezing and I think earmuffs are my best option.... they do look a tad silly though, don't they?!!! :) Saying...
http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-scotland-scotland-politics-20675712 If the largest group having racist crimes committed against them were Asian. /// In 2011-12, where ethnic origin of the victim was...
Have you planned anything yet and, if so, what? My choices are as follows: 1. Stay home, bottle of gin, tin of Quality Streets, Jools Holland 2. Edinburgh 3. Go to my parents - where my Dad will be...
... lie herein: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-20677515 * The number of foreign-born residents in England and Wales has risen by nearly three million since 2001 to 7.5 million people, the 2011 census...
I have never had these and want to know what your opinions are on Bombay Saphire Blue Gin Bacardi Gold Tequila (Gold/silver or normal?) What are they like, what would you mix with them, hangover...