I am planning on opening a food barrow in a market.
It will have a halal menu catering for the local Muslim population.
It is going to be called 'Allah Cart'....
some help please, 15a9l.noticeable that former pupil displays virtues.o-t---i-- 14d10l.compositor is sort to have a dog.-----e---- 26a10l.engineers get fast,not quite so persistent.------l--- many...
3awhen writing you may wish to make your point with this (6,5) pencil ??r?r
21a Darn I reset the channel (5) d?a?n
5d quiet the debts are holy (5) ??o??...
Late this afternoon I bought some chicken from a high street butcher. It's on a tray covered in cling film. When I got it home I split the cling film - and it absolutely reeks!! The shop is closed now...