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jen78 I am speechless.....
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My friend gifted me with a new puppy. It's a month old German shepherd. I am now looking for a nice Veterinarian for my lil one. This is my first dog and I do not know any Vet around my place.
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Please can anyone help me. We are organising a christmas party at work and one of the games is about famous couples. its a kind of party warming game. the thing is we need about 300 couples, but have...
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Here in South Yorkshire had a damp, cold day but no snow.
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Check this out, the country's oldest cat! the_record-breaking_189-year-old_cat&in_articl e_id=430248&in_page_id=34
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Today i woke for the first time in 33 years to a empty house i had to have my beloved scottie put to sleep last night and feel like my heart is breaking,i cant sto crying.He was nearly 14 and his...
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had our pup 5 days now although he is 8 months old no history as he was abandoned , he has been sleeping in living room with my older dog at night with no problems but I have to go to wok for 4 hours...
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Does anyone like that white "GUNGE" that comes out of bacon when it's fried .Lets make a stand and tell the bacon companies to stop injecting the bacon with water .I'm sure its only done to make the...
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looking for some advice and sorry if this seems a bit silly!! I want to buy my dad some flight socks as is flying to the US and a lady at work is seriously ill with DVT so I am worried about him. My...
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Often the name of an actor or celebrity crops up in conversation, and the question might arise - what are they doing now, or even are they stilll alive? We were talking about Rod Steiger. Does anyone...
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Got two new pet rats, now 11 weeks old and have had them for two weeks. One rat is lively and loves coming out of his cage and exploring and likes been handled but the other one is timid and hides...
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Hi, I don't get on here very often [so no-one probably remembers me ;O}] But thought I'd introduce you to Sam! Sam is a rescue Great Dane and it looks like he's found his forever home here with us!!!!...
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Just to let you all know, as Sarumite helps a lot on here!...he has been taken off!!!...thrown in the cells....he has not been allowed out since yesterday morning! Not even allowed a legal...
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Who makes piccalilli ? Vita Foods use to make it in the 1960's and 70's. Who makes the same kind or one like it now?
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Hi. I was wondering if you could give me any idea on what you thought of some of Sylvester Stallone's films, such as Cobra, Over The Top, Lock Up, Tango and Cash and Get Carter.
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My wee Tonka had to get put down today and I am devastated! When he was born I saved his life, he was born with the sac still round him and I had to take that off and rub his chest and breath up his...
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moggie 939
I am asking this question (which may seem strange) as someone studying the history of the 1950s rather than an animal lover. Can anyone tell me why in the 1950s that white, powdery dog faeces was...
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I fell asleep last night and missed the end of Mercury Rising. Can anyone let me know how it ended please? Thanks
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I found a bright green stick insect in my garden yesterday Does anyone know what particular insect it is and where it might have come from? It was just climbing up the wall at the back of our house....
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I have recently adopted a new kitten. We all ready have a 3 year old cat but it seems to not like the new addition to the familly. Puss puss keeps hissing when the little one goes anywhere near her....

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