I've a strawberry patch in my garden, and quite a good crop. However, as soon as a berry starts to go red, something comes along and eats at least half of it. So far, I have't eatena single berry! The...
The Verve had a hit single a while ago with a song called (I think) 'Simple Symphony'. It had a very repetitive theme. Some time late I heard the same theme on Classic FM and heard that it was from a...
As far back as 1968., they had sightings of a puma in Surrey - Never caught. Treaclefight said about lost pythons; Then there's ex-private zoos.. How many dangerous animals in UK ? Possibly Spiders...
If you have to walk between 2 buildings while it is raining, is it better to walk or to run between the two? Or in other words, will I get more wet if I run or I walk? What I have always wondered is...
I am going to stop drinking lager as it is giving me a beer belly! Can anyone recommend good alternatives with spirits?I like the sound of Gin and Tonic but I've never tried it!
I need some good tips on cooling down my muscles after jogging, as they KILL the following day. Before I jog I stretch, and then after jogging I have a cold bath to lessen the muscle damage. Then I...
I've just created user accounts for those who use our PC... But they won't blooming log of... It's driving me mad... What am I doing wrong??? I click to log off, then change user and the screen comes...
Does anyone know of a song with lyrics like ' Jesse , bring you the car and Moses , and drive real fast ' or something like that. The song is about a guy calling his girlfriend and saying i am fed up...
When I click on a web site link, many of which are given in Answerbank answers, it only opens in a 3' deep, full width box, on my screen. This has only recently started to happen. Previously links...
It seems like whenever I am bored enough to scratch off the foil or look under the label, as if by magic I am a 'Top prize winner.' I know from experience that these prize draw things are a sham '...
Maybe this should be in another section. Sorry if it should but I do relate it to TV shows at the end. It is my understanding that both sides in a telephone conversation must hang up or the exchange...
If an iron ball was to pass through a tight coil of wire to produce an electric current, would this cause the ball to slow down at all? What I mean is, if a toaster or something was wired up to the...