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Hi If you know ricky gervais im sure you know of his mate karl pilkington, he is on the extras section of the Politics DVD and features in the record breaking podcast show with ricky and stephan. I am...
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Why did they only make one series of this X - Files spin off - it was cool.
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does anyone know where u can get cheap acrylic paints, i'm looking to get reasonable sized containers as opposed to the little tubes as i generally do quite big pieces, but the price soon racks up on...
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I am attempting to teach a class on 'Beowulf' and I'm trying to come up with other stories that have the mother as the villian. All I could come up with is 'Friday the 13th' and 'Alien', but I know...
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The name of an American tv show where the main character used to receive tomorrows daily paper today and then went out and helped people who where in the paper before whatever they where in the paper...
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I know I'll probably need turps/white spirit to wash brushes out with eventually, but while I'm painting can I just use water? Or should I use a different brush for different colours?
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Next summer when the smoking ban comes into force I want to get dressed up as an Islamic extremist who is also an illegal immigrant, in full fox hunting get up (with dead fox), and have a picture...
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has anyone done the 12 week forlift driving course if your on jsa, i have heard you only do the driving part for a week, what are you dong the other 11 weeks on the course. do you have to be there...
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I know that some of you say the bloke in the background is Joe Scully from Neighbours, but my mate is convinced it's Mark Little who plays Joe Mangel. Does anybody know for definite?
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A double decker's roof was blown off this afternoon. I was told it was a bomb, but the media has not carried the news. Is it information management to avoid panic in the society?
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I've just watched the German film, 'Run Lola Run' and thought it was fantastic. I have watched Korean, Kurdish, French and German films recently and adore their simplicity and desire to tell a story,...
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the 1st movie begins filming soon.the books paint a really complex picture that would be very hard to catch on film. can they do them justice ?
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Sheer genius, clever witty and entertaining or a lot of tosh? I loved it, thought it was very clever and amusing.
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Hi, I was watching the "100 Greatest TV moments fom hell" the other month, and I came across a clip from TOTP. A female group of singers proceeded to pull their trousers down at the end of the...
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We've been having a discussion at work about that old Vic Reeves show which has thrown up a couple of questions. There was a character with a bald head who wore a white doctor's jacket. Question 1:...
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There is a cartoon character, whose name I cannot remember and it's driving me insane. He was a tall, lanky guy with a very round head and a big nose. He also had very big eyes and a tiny top hat. He...
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Does anyone remember a TV series called "Them" from the 1980's? It was about alien invaders and you could only see them if you had special glasses on. Is it possible to buy a DVD or video of the...
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Does anyone know who sings or title of the music in the current SKY advert?? Starts with " 10.000 women " possibly sung by PJ Harvey Cheers
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My bisexual friend is interested to know if Andi Peters is gay? Great skater...
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My contract is due to expire with my current employers in March this year. I therefore believe that it is a suitable time to relocate and find a new job (hopefully) in a 'nice' area of England. I...

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