I had a year relationship with a girl from liverpool, we split in August as we could not keep affording to fly to be together, and it put stress on the relationsip and we split, but not as enemies, we...
Do people think managers make rash, vindictive petty decisions just out of sheer spite????? why do some part-time workers, or come to that full time workers, live under the self-obsessed idea that...
did anyone notice that when nichola was phoning her parner on what happens when they come out jungle she asked him -has THE BABY missed me > is it me cos i find that very strange, i would of said...
Did anyone else think that last night's comedy awards was anything but funny? Who were those 'celebrities' they wheeled out to read out the names of the winners? How come some of the winning comedy...
Ok, so i met this guy a couple weeks ago i liked when i went out, had a kiss lol and exhanged numbers. I invited him to my mates house party last week and went to a bar after with him, we got on well...