people claim that gods way is 'intelligent' design ... on the basis that we are just too well made to have happened naturally - and that god only cares about us and thats why animals dont have souls...
Luke 12:20 But God said unto him, Thou fool, this night thy soul shall be required of thee: then whose shall those things be, which thou hast provided? Matthew 5:22 But I say unto you, That whosoever...
This behaviour seems more than a little unchristian - especially from someone sufficiently proud of their piety to mention the tithe they paid to God!...
The problem of the 21st century, “Men have forgotten God. . . . The entire twentieth century is being sucked into the vortex of atheism and self-destruction.”...
When; Tonight Where; Cambridge Union; 'To be filmed and made available on line.' In round 1 Prof. Dawkins admitted that there was a (remote) possibility that God existed. Will he acquiesce further... //Prof Davies said: "It is clear that we might not ever see global warming, the apocalyptic scenario is that when I need a new hip in 20 years I'll die from a... /// A 58-year-old local resident said there had been two murders in...
Truthabounds // goodlife Question and answer please (if possible) GOOD LIFE // TRUABOUNDS I POST S ON THE 01-JAN 2013 11:28 Tue 01st Jan 2013 WERE ARE YOU NOW 1- Act 2 - 24 (27) ????? 2 --- According...
To be fair, however, you must face the fact that the confusion is caused by the many religions that muddy the clear waters of Bible teachings with fallacies and legends. When you ignore the traditions...
would you read his other works? he seems to have been a pretty imaginative chap... what kind of other books do you think he'd have written? - what would his 'books by the same author' page at the...
I have read a lot of debates in this section and it seems that a lot of bible extracts demonstating that god is good is counteracted by bible quotes stating the opposite. I don't understand why people...
Is a non-provable 'untruth' that makes a person happy, and gives a sense of well-being, not better than a non-provable 'truth' that makes a person feel unhappily jejune? (please note the words untruth...
All of us experience problems that can bring unhappiness. When we do, we may look for advice from a trusted relative or friend, or use the library or the Internet.
If there is a Heaven, do you think you are good enough to go there? To answer this question, try taking this test to see if you are a good person: (I know that I'm not.) 1. Have you ever told a...
There are many who take the word of this book literally and believe every word, but there are numerous examples of things supposedly said in it, that are so utterly ingrained in our world, that we...