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pdq1 It has just been announced the forecasting is all wrong and is now set at a lower figure. In fact global temperatures haven't risen at all for...
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Another thought-provoking 2 minute offering from 4thought TV.
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Here's a quote from a religious leader on the rape and murder of a 23yo woman... "This tragedy would not have happened if she had chanted God's name and fallen at the feet of the attackers. The error...
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The Believers frequently propose that mortal life has no point without the everlasting life that follows for the faithful. Yet that promise is to a place where there seems nothing to do but worship...
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If you were offered the opportunity to enjoy genuine happiness, radiant health and real security, would you grasp it? However, you may say: But does such opportunity really exist?’ Yes, it does....
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My wife has just been watching a film version of Black Beauty, which fact inspires this question. Can those of you who believe that the Bible is a sound basis for moral values explain to me why He is...
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Is this the answer for those who dont beleive in a God ; but beleive that there must be more to life than this. However , be warned research has suggested...
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There are those who think that God made man in his own image. I think rather that man has reciprocated. Discuss....
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If you were walking down the street and saw someone being mugged would you help or walk on by ?...
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I note that that the majority of posters on here do not beleive that there is a God and that those who do , are deluded / stupid . Do you therefore think that our Head Of State is also deluded /...
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truthabounds . it seen as to me, they(nonbelievers) saying we are brainwashed ,with our faith and without thinking ability., this is not true. I wish to cleanse my mind with clean water and then see...
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everyone is talking about the end of the world, and atomic war and asteroid from outer space these are the thoughts of the world. Who or what will be destroyed at the end of th world...
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Jesus said, Happy are those conscious of their spiritual need,” or those who recognize and respond to their spiritual hunger. (Matt. 5:3)...
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People often forget they have brains when it comes to a topic such as hell. Many persons will ponder on financial or other matters, but when hell is the subject they seem to prefer that someone else...
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Because through the pages of the Bible he speaks to you. He tells you what he has done in times past and what he has purposed to do in the future. He gives you sound counsel and wise instruction for...
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This question isn't about specific celebrities who have passed this year, but a general question about deceased famous people... What is it that makes us sad? Is it the actual death of someone you...
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We have about 20 theists who contribute to Answer Bank so surely they can answer my simple question. When Noah released all the animals on top of Mount Ararat or wherever what did they live on ? The...
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The most intense taekwondo fight ever!!
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I would just like to take a moment to thank aog for his most kind donation of my new avatar. I am told it is a carefully chosen image from his very own family album, and as such it will be cherished...
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We have heard so much about the end of the world because the Mayan calendar predicted it, but we are still here. Others say that the Bible says we are in the last days. So what do you think? Do you...

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