The national lottery are f***** con artists who prey on peoples hopes and dreams and fail to deliver while the wicked woman in charge takes home £2 million a year I wish her every unhappiness in life...
I was in a toilet cubicle and on the wall was written : Some come here to *** and stink others come here to sit and think I come here to scratch my balls and write my poems on the walls I was roaring...
Hi there Ive scared myself stupid I am on metformin 1000mg twice daily for the last 12 hours Ive been feeling nauseated and shivery and no appetite I had lunch with a ham and cheese roll and a packet...
Carers arrived late as per usual. When they arrive I usually nip out for a fag. When I came in I heard one carer saying to Mic " Do you think I want to be here cleaning you now roll over" I was about...
HI there I am suspicious of Camelots overall odds of winning a prize in the players guide. It says the average chance of winning a hotpicks 2 prize of £40 is 1 in 79 well I have been playing 21 and...
Hi there I am really struggling to forgive someone who humiliated me and put me down in my own home in front of several of my friends and it is eating me up i cant sleep ive got a sore shoulder back...
i have just today had severe chest pain, i have been drinking ( beer ) heavilly for 4 days solid now as i just got a break from work .....anyway ive had similar pain before, im wondering is it alcohol...
In another morally abhorrent ruling a person in abject misery is denied what ought to be a human right: the right to choose a dignified death in order to end suffering....
I recently went to a concert by fascinating aida and it was fabolus however the 3 girls all had something on their heads like a gem with sticky tape. Anyone know what it is here is a link to the...
Why is the Queen as our head of state not in France for the memorial services why did she send her son and sidekick Prince Charles instead is the sign that she is getting too old or too lazy?... 70 years on and most of the brave men that were at hell on earth about this time (7:20 on) are getting too old to travel. I'd...
I was wondering what people think. Should the Queen abdicate and give her role to Charles. IF she lives to be the same age as her mum Prince Charles would be 89 when he takes over the throne. She has...
Hi there I seem to be having an episode of low blood sugar it went from 4.4 to 3.5 ive had a glass of fresh orange juice 1 packet of crisps and a few glucose tablets but I cant get it to rise really...
A few weeks ago I had a rather unfortunate meeting with someone in a group situation and I have serious questions regarding her suitability for the position she is in and her moral and ethical...
Ok Guys need help from someone. Iv found a lump in my right breast let me describe the lump it's about 3cm it's not sore to touch it's quite a hard lump and it's NOT fixed it's quite mobile. Aswell as...
Over the last 2 weeks I have majorly turned my diet around. on 4 metformin and 3 glipazide a day BM was 28 in a week with diet cutting all bad carbs I got it down to 9.8 after breakfast and glipazide....
Hi there after the fright of the last reading of BM of 28 and HBA1c of 11.4% I have taken this really much more seriously now. I am eating porridge for breakfast soup and oatcakes for lunc, fish and...
I dont know if I am worrying unnecessarily my 2 year old cat has gone off her food she wouldnt eat yesterday or today and this is very strange she normally has a good appetite she is still drinking...