How many Christmas cards have you received? I've counted 341, didn't realise I was so popular. When it got to over 100, I just binned the rest without even looking. Do you do the same?
I had the most awful nightmare during the night. To date its probably the worst one I've ever had. Is it true that eating late at night can cause your subconscience to do weird things?
Do you agree that for every "Jack" there is a "Jill" ! or vice versa! I know a few couples who have met partners and you would never have imagined them getting together!!
you owe me a apology. How dare you mention ma family? Ma man batters me black n blue and ma only option is to come oan here fur sympathy annat and yet you try to take the pisr!wot bout knobs too...
ive been having bladder probs for a few years now ..5 years ago i had my bladder lifted with a tape every thing was good till about 1 year ago .after i urinated i would get a bad burning sensation , 2...
To Bigdave44 Why are you so rude to people, you have been rude to me before on this site and I am in the frame of mind to report you on this site as your comments are not helpful, necessary and they...
Has IAP been banned? Was it because of his support for TCL? Has the Ed gone too far this time? Will we ever know the truth? So many questions need answers.
I'm new to this site and have posted one question so far. This category looks like the most popular so can anyone give me any advice on the do's and don'ts as a newcomer?
Wich Prem manager is next for the chop, Paul Ince, Tony Mowbray, Zola (after tomorrow) or Mark Hughes, dont like to say it but i think it will be Tony Molbray.
I think the time's now come to draw a line under this very sad and unfortunate incident. It was a mistake, a terrible, ghastly one granted, but still a mistake; something we all do every day, though...
Did everyone who was sending texts about this case go on the marches today? And did as many march as were disgusted? Do people prefer to complain than to actively march? Or did more people march ?...