Who would you include if you could choose your family out of ABers? I'd have mummy smudge and daddy In A Pickle because hey both seem to give such good advice.
has anyone got a claim to fame or an anecdote, where they met or were involved with someone famous or infamous, and would like to do a bit of name dropping? my bits were going to a party, invited...
I think i'm alone on this one but does anyone else agree that Michael Parkinson is overrated. He seems like a very sweet man and i have nothing against him but he is regarded as a...
hey ive heard so many rumors from people that stuart goes totaly blind and other say he gets his sight back. does anyone have any inside kowlege of what gonna happena and da whole thing with dr karl...
How weird that once again I could not sign in over the weekend for the second weekend in a row. I have e-mailed techies but was wondering if you had an a answer ed?
Without meaning to sound like a deviant, I think a topic on sexual related issues would be a good addition to the AB. As a new user to this site, it seems there is a good deal of intelligent...
looking for synonymns (not sure of spelling) to for the words 'nice' and 'amazing' because i use those words too much to describe things and want to use something really extravagent instead. i dont...
This university has a reputation, rightly or wrongly, for being full of middle-class kids from Surrey. I'm from Surrey myself, and know loads of people who went to Exeter. I was invited out there a...
Does anyone in Southampton recognise a girl who often wanders around the food court in the West Quay centre, and the Burger King/McDonalds/KFC branches in the city centre on Above Street? She's above...
OUISCH you said in a previous thread I owe you a new keyboard. Unless you can state the reasons, I will be forced to consult my Solicitor (and part-time cleaner of septic tanks) May...
http://www.whoshouldyouvotefor.com/ try this site for an idea of whose policies fit you best (ps. I reckon its a lib dem stitch-up as everyone in our office came out as that!)
Just been reading a post regarding right/left handed children. It made me wonder how many ABer's are left or right handed. Hope tha'ts ok Ed! BTW - I'm left handed & left footed.
I know it's gross but how on earth could a human finger turn up in a bowl of chilli sauce at a Wendy's without anyone noticing it especially the person who's wondering what's different about their...
Long winded I know - but you should know me by now! Anyway, we have just received a wedding invitation from my brother, for his step-son's forthcoming wedding. I haven't seen or spoken to...
Ed has posted replies to 8 questions out of the 20 on this page, and as some date back a few days thought I'd let you know. Very busy Tuesday for Ed but I'm sure is appreciated.