How do I send a small video(80mb.wmv)to a friend, as an attachment to an email,without getting it refused as too big? Can I 'shrink' it first and then send it,or will that destroy the quality or the...
I've re-installed Thunderbird and now if I click on any 'highlighted' letters or words,etc. nothing happens! Previously if I clicked on such a word or phrase I was sent to another connection or...
How do I fix the above problem? Can I re-install Windows 7 without losing all of my files and programs? I have the master discs for 7 and Office but I REALLY don't want to go down that road and do a...
Pubs are closing at a rate of 9 per day, is this because we have greedy people demanding a fortune for a lease? and if the pub is seen to be doing well, they put the lease up? Isn't this a bit silly,...
I've just scanned 84 photographs for an old Aunt and after 'cleaning' them up in Photoshop, I would now like to get them onto a dvd that will play on a 'bog-standard' dvd player so that she can watch...
Help. I think I've got a bug? There was a program called Software Informer that I tried and didn't like, so I deleted it but it seems to be indestructable. It shows up in the Autostart folder as...
Hi, I understand that digital camers,etc, create a DCIM folder on any card,etc, that you put into your camera,phone,etc, but why does the camera then not recognise any photo that you drop into that...
Hi all, we are thinking of purchasing a rabbit and could do with some advice. I have never had a rabbit before so I am looking for advice re breeds plus any care advice you feel is neccessary. It will...
I bought a nice DSLR camera a few months ago, but when I download my pics on to my computer, I can't open the file as it tells me they're too big. They print OK. Never had this problem with my little...
Why don't the police or the Civil Enforcement Officers (Council traffic wardens)invoke code62 and fine motorists who park on pavements. It's an easy £70 and we would soon have our pavements back...
How do I copy a recorded program,not protected or anything or even in HiDef from the HardDrive on the Humax onto a memory stick. It's a short program of local interest that I want to copy onto a DVD...
How do I change the font colour in WMM. All that seems to be available is to change the background! I need to have the info. visible over the image so need to be able to change the colour of the...
I want to put together a DVD disc that starts automatically when inserted into a 'basic' DVD player and then plays a small video I have( with music),followed by a slide show with a description of each...
Can I configure a key ( any key) on my keyboard so that I don't have to keep typing in my email address and if so then how do I do it,Please?
Many thanks for help
A person working near me has a car on Polish reg plates. He has been here for nearly 2 years, does he need to get an MOTas his car is about 6 years old?
I've just completed a "Backup and Restore" of my C: drive (62.4Gb) to my J: external drive using the program supplied with 7, but why should it take over 4 1/2 create an image of such...
I'm currently running Microsoft Security Essential,Avast 5 free,Malwarebyte's AntiMalware and using the Microsoft supplied Firewall on my system. Am I using too much security,will they conflict and if...