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When is it right to put up my decorations?
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Hi guys just wondered if there is a film youve watched in excess of ten times and not tired of,and cant ever se yourself tiring of.
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can any one tell me the film it stars james stewart and in the film he has a bell on his horse he injures his hand during the film and its set in the gold rush and the bad guy in the film steals all...
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Another stinker of a clue: Bigger businessman may be able to keep battering away. It has a five word answer which appears to contain the following letters -a-e ---e f--- --- -- Any help or advice much...
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around 1994 autumn/winter there was a film on i'm sure channel 4 i only saw a bit, there were loads of people waving from a large cruise type ship, it was filmed in black and white but its the music...
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Who was the well known actor who played a fictional character in a 1930s movie and about 30 years later his real life son played the son of the same fictional character?
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Noticed that several greetings have been posted from ABers. Can I start this thread as an 'open' one for anyone to post a greeting to everyone else...then I won't have missed any to reply to! I would...
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Don't forget it's on again this evening - Radio 4 at 6:30. Half an hour of pure pleasure and escapism.
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We were having a debate the other day about which big movie stars had never died in any of their films. Someone suggested Clint Eastwood, but he gets it in The Beguiled. The only one I couldn't think...
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My mother remembers reading a book whilst at school late 1940's but can't remember the title. Not much info to go on but the info I have got is - some children are on a houseboat and we think they are...
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cheeky i know, anyone know, what the stage surname of the american film star who was once dubbed the 'Baron of Beefcake grateful for any help
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which ones are best?
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Beside turkey and ham I am thinking of providing salmon for my boxing day buffet. Does anyone know where I can buy a whole ready prepared salmon and will it cost a fortune? I wondered if M&S might do...
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What is the only film with a colour in its title to have won the best Film Oscar?
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You should note that due to an error the numbered clues do not correspond with the grid from 19a onward. It is still possible to complete the puzzle however. I have emailed the Times about this.
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Stuck on the following: 6. This flower is not used in soups 21. This flowers from the top down 26. These plants appear in a Christmas song. 33. Do the French eat these early in the day 39. Hazardous...
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punishment for driven politicians
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The deadline for this quiz looms and I need two more answers so can anybody solve these two. 1. 11 = S C at the O. 2. 4 = E on the L B. Any help gratefully received.
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Can anbody solve this anagram? NON - EVIL MOB HIGHJACK . The answer is a film title. Many thanks in advance.
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Does any bright person know the answer to these 3 ditloids. 1. 11 = S C at the O. 2. 4 = E on the L B. 3. 175 = M V of P L in M. I've looked at these so long my brains seized up !

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