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1361 to 1380 of 1866

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John Bercow, the Conservative MP... ...might be overthrown if the Conservatives win the general election. Senior Tories have told the Guardian they would remove him within a year....
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After two hostages were killed in Iraq, the Government, and David Milliband in particular are facing criticism. Other countries pay the abductors and their people are set free. The British refuse to...
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What are we supposed to conclude from this story about the missing chef Claudia Lawrence? Revealed: Missing chef Claudia's '40 different men' The only serious boyfriend of missing chef Claudia...
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Eric Illsley, the Labour MP, is thought to have made the highest phantom claim ? recouping more than ?6,000 over and above his council tax bills since 2004. Over 50 other MPs have claimed more than...
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Who in their right mind would reject a contract to play at Manchester United?
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After the Daily Telegraph leaked details of MPs expenses, the House of Commons has published the official documents into the public domain. However, the official documents are heavily censored and...
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Millionaire Conservative MP Brian Binley is unrepentent. "I won't let the Telegraph bring me down". This came after it was revealed that Binley, despite a ban on MPs renting homes from firms in which...
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The Conservative leader used a discussion about his opposition to ID cards to do what appeared to be an impression of a Nazi officer. Adopting an exaggerated German accent, he asked the crowd 'Where...
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A video taken on a mobile phone in Nottingham shows the local police making an arrest. The footage apparently shows the man on the floor with the Taser wire already attached before being shocked. He...
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An independent inquiry into the Iraq war will be held in private, Prime Minister Gordon Brown has told MPs. Can we trust it to be completely independent, and whatever happened to transparency in...
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Today, it is reported on a Dispatches TV programme that a massacre of 91 Afghan villagers by US forces happened because the US were acting on dodgy information. "US soldiers entered the village in the...
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A white supremacist who shot dead a security guard at Washington's Holocaust Museum had links to the British National Party. Before launching the attack, 88-year-old James von Brunn sent out an email...
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According to the leading think tank National Institute of Economic and Social Research, a well respected economic body. "So far as we can say, the recession is over," said Martin Weale, director at...
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Real Madrid have offered ?80million for Ronaldo, and Manchester United have accepted. /m/man_utd/8094720.stm Crazy money or worth every penny?
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In May 1986 Alex Ferguson had agreed terms to manage Arsenal, but he was contracted to work at the World Cup. Fergie wanted to wait until he got back to Aberdeen and was able to to tell his players,...
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The English Language is about to get its 1,000.000th word. The average person uses less than 14,000 words. That leaves a lot of redundant words. French and German have about a 10th of what we have....
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Mr Crow (of the RMT Union) claimed that at 6pm last night, an hour before the walkout began, agreement had been reached at the offices of the Acas conciliation service - only for a phone call from...
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Gordon Brown is refusing to publish the independent report which Downing Street says clears Labour MP Shahid Malik over his housing arrangements. Mr Malik stepped down as Justice Minister from the...
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Sell-by dates on fresh produce could be a thing of the past as part of a new "war on waste", according to Hilary Benn, the Environment minister. He warned that best-before dates are intended to be a...
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The FA in their wisdom has sod rights to televise England matches to the Irish broadcaster Setanta. They argue that they have sold to the highest bidder so that their is more money to support...

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