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I see the german authorities are going to come down hard on anyone showing the nazi salute or goose stepping during the world cup. does anyone else get the feeling that they're 70 years too late ! as...
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This article on the AMICUS website is giving rise to discussion..... Do you have an employer sympathetic to the World Cup, will you slide off early...
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i personally find this a snails pace when the traffic is flowing and the road is wide open Should the uk go down the Autobahn route and have speed limits removed on certain stretches of motorway? or...
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I've been given a challenge from a friend's quiz to find out which TV pet is called Reckless, any ideas??
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hi, i committed a motoring offence 4 months ago, and have not heard anything yet from the magistrates, and i am now going away for 10 weeks this will be then taken over the 6 month peroid,what would...
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This might be a 'World Cup' question also I've put a big St George cross in my back window, totally covering it. People have said to me that it's illegal to do that (because I can't now see through...
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Are the two sentences correct? 1. She was more interetsed in boys than books. 2. She was more interested in boys than in books.
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Why are teachers training days called INSET?
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What is the origin of holding hands and why is the boy's hand in the front always and the girl's at the back?
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Who was the first woman British MP?
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My parents would like to visit a Spa in Iceland on a short break. Can anyone offer any advice on where best to stay, how to book etc.
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Can anyone help please.. Have received a Round Britain Quiz via e-mail which is in an attatchment. When I open it and print I only get the original message ...forward message attatched... e-mail...
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David H
I know minger is an old Scottish word originally meaning 'stinker', but what is the origin of the very new English word munter for someone ugly, often used interchangeably?
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ok i have two favourite phrases...."As much use as a chocolate tea pot" and " Well tis better than a slap round the face with a wet kipper" can anyone give me some cool new ones?!
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Is there such a thing as 'fatism'? Like sexism and racism?
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Dom Tuk
You stood there and said to the nation that you and your government did not know anything about rendition flights transporting muslim people to and from the CIA. You are a liar and it will be proven...
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If you've done nothing wrong you've got nothing to fear, right? The sooner they're introduced, the better, I say. So what do you all say?
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David Black
Two British women who were married in Canada have gone to the High Court in a test case to win legal recognition for same-sex couples who marry abroad. The University professors Sue Wilkinson and...
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Many years ago, I read that an army regiment dropped Queen Victoria's coffin. For their sin, they were banished by never again having a home posting (the regiment of course, not individual soldiers)....
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Acting on intelligence, they search a house (albeit shooting a poor innocent guy in the process). If they don't find anything they will be pilloried by the public and local councils for being racist...

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